Chapter 89

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The Contract

Chapter 89

Harry blinked owlishly at Corvus; it took him a few minutes to digest exactly what hed just said. He was also a bit confused; he hadnt exactly been making a secret of ithad he? Even his best friends knew how he feltbut Corvus hadnt been there when he received his firs gift from Rabastan but hed been there when he reciprocated those gifts. He still had a few to give him, which he intended to think long and hard on.

Are you asking as Lord Lestrange or Corvus? Harry asked, and yes, there was a difference. If he was asking as Lord Lestrange he was speaking in an official capacity if it was just Corvus then he was asking as a father.

Cant it be both? Corvus asked lightly amused, dark eyes gleaming in mirth. The things this teenager came out with tickled him sometimes. He was well within his right to ask, and he probably would have asked the exact same question if situation was reversed. He was going to make a wonderful Lord. I cannot wait to see your first day amongst the wizengamot. He added, entirely veering off their original topic, but stating it nonetheless, because it was true.

He was going to amaze them all.

Harry grinned cheekily, before he added, It can be, butI think theres more to it he trailed off.

Dont get me wrong, Im not expecting an engagement contract or a marriage, and I understand youre still very young. Youve yet to have spreading your wings and truly explored the world. Corvus admitted, and hed never clip his wings and try to deceive him. Which was why he was having this conversation.

You have shown me the world, Corvus, Harry said, swallowing thickly, My world before youwere a cupboard and a school. Feeling choked up.

What I have shown you, is a normal life, Corvus said softly, taking Harrys hand in his own. The conversation had taken a heavy turn very quickly, but he didnt try to change the subject. Stretching your wings, not spreading them which you will do with tremendous grace and pride.

Does spreading my wings as you put it include leaving home? Harry asked, shrewd eyes meeting his own.

Definitely not, Corvus declared, sensing that Harry was not ready for that step in his life yet. If he never waswell, what did it matter? Generations of the family had always lived under Lestrange manor until they decided to move out. Whether desiring their own personal space or their significant other wanting to build their own home. He had gifted Rodolphus a property that was more than enough for him and Bellatrix and any offspring they had. Before the marriage, before he realized just how precarious the situation truly was. He would have done the same for Rabastan too, whether they choose to go is entirely up to them.

Naturally, regardless of where Rodolphus chose to live, Lestrange manor would be his. Rabastan would get half the share of the estate, including half the manor. It was all written in his will, with the decree that Harry lives there as long as he wishes to.

He wasnt oblivious to Harrys fondness for the estate.

Harry left out a small breath of relief, Good, he murmured, he never wanted to be alonethe thought of it was singularly the most terrifying thing for him right now. More so than what he had just been through.

I think we can both agree that the contract we created three years ago doesnt really apply. Corvus said, Most of it still does, the Azkaban clauses primarily can be removed. The contract was only created for four years, if you are interested in continuing it, we can amend it. he was just desperate to know whether his son was going to be heartbroken or not. It might not be a budding relationship as he thought but just sheer gratitude.

He didnt think Harry was too young to know his own mind. He had known he loved his soon-to-be wife by Harrys age, he had adored the ground she walked on. Known he would marry her one day. He was genuinely lucky, he just wished hed had more time with her. She had been younger than him, by a few years, albeit not as much as Harry and Rabastan.

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