Chapter 78

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The Contract

Chapter 78

Get the damn journalists out of here now! barked Proudfoot as he observed the way they were jostling around outside to get pictures. It turned his stomach, so it did, the vultures drawn to misery, the worse the misery the greater their delight. Lucky they couldnt bypass the wards theyd set up to get inside. Bring me up to date! he called out to the other Aurors working on the scene.

Follow me, Sir, the junior Auror Tonks said, leading him down to the basement, where Harry Potter had been kept for ten days. The runeits a new one, it acted like a honing beacon and it shattered every ward in the vicinityincluding the Fidelius Charm.

But the Fidelius Charm cant be broken! Proudfoot frowned entirely confused.

Apparently it can, Unspeakable Shadow has already been by and given an entire run down, his report is also on Madam Bones desk. Its dark magic, and blood magic added into the mix. Auror Tonks grimaced, staring down at the black charred bell with a triquetra inside of it.

Immediate sniggers started up, as many threw Tonks a look that suggested they were wondering at her intelligence. How had she become an Auror they just didnt knowoh, yes, she was a Metamorphamagus, and had passed that part of the course with flying colours. Even when she was in a different form, everyone knew exactly who it was, she was clumsy to the extreme no matter he façade.

Youll find Auror Tonks that those symbols have belonged to our world as long as magic has existed and they have great meaningthere is nothing dark about them. Auror Proudfoot snapped in irritation. While blood magic is outlawed in potions, it has never been outlawed in runes. Have care what you say about victims of vicious and unprovoked crimes if you wish to continue your career! And get some common sense while youre at it and actually read some information before deeming it dark for Merlins sake!

Hes right, the bell, its a sign of magic herself, its supposed to signify her giving birth through vibrationsits very beautiful and that magic came to Heir Potters aid. Another Auror insisted, Hes been favoured by magic itself. No surprise there, the boy had been favoured for a long time, probably from the moment You-Know-Who tried to kill him.

And the Triquetra? came the curious sound of the trainee Auror watching everything with avidness.

Sign of three, of good magic, as is the pentagram even if Muggle-borns assume its devil worship. Auror Rookwood sneered, cousin to the newly released, and proven innocent Rookwood. He couldnt stand Muggle-borns and their habits, and insistence of trying to change magic to fit in with their damn worldviews. You grew up in the muggle world didnt you, Nymphadora? they all used her name when she pissed them off despite how improper it was, only because theyd realized just how much she hated it.

Tonks didnt reply, yes, shed grown up in a Muggle area, which had been difficult for years before she gained control of her Metamorphamagus abilities. She didnt see anything wrong with that at all. She was flushed red with embarrassment although at the sniggering and condemnation from her fellow Aurors.

She wasnt used to it, before Moody retired nobody said a thing, made her feel special, that she was unique and would do great things for the Auror department. Now though? Now it seemed she couldnt say a thing without screwing up. She would have written it off as jealousy but a lot of others had been trained by Moody so there wasnt any need for jealousy.

Check this out! came a rapid and concerned voice of Auror Smith. Merlins bloody balls! He wasnt acting alone!

By the time Auror Proudfoot, Tonks and Rookwood entered the bedroom, they found Smith on the floor surrounded by letters.

Are you seriously going through his fan mail? she snorted, shaking her head.

What have you found? Auror Proudfoot asked, having worked with Smith on numerous occasions, he knew that this wasnt a frivolous call, no, hed found something.

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