Chapter 45

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The Contract

Chapter 45

September 1st

An entire crowd of people 'suddenly' decided to take their children to Hogwarts together. Both husband, wives and their other children, inviting Corvus along for the trip, after all most people knew Daphne and Draco were friends with Harrythey would think nothing of this particular arrangement. It would allow Corvus to actually see Harry off on the train, even if it was just the once. If anyone was watchingwell, it would be difficult to observe much with the packed station.

After perfectly serene goodbye's, all of them having hugged their children and given their advice in the privacy of their home. Appearances were everything after all. The children all began to board the train, waving goodbye from their chosen compartment.

"I never thought I'd say thisbut I actually missed Hogwarts," Draco replied, "I'm glad to be returning properly." he commented as the train began to move slowly and steadily.

"It was a hassle," Daphne agreed, "How did you do on your exams, Harry?" aware that he had taken them at the Ministry. Harry had been writing to her after all.

"Outstanding on all except Potions which was an EE," Harry confessed, "I've never really been that good at potions, it's difficult, I know what happened though, I let it simmer too long." He'd had trouble getting to it in time, it had been unfortunate timing, that his potions exam was during a time where his pain relief draught had begun to wane.

"Same for me, except my EE was in History and Astronomy," Draco grudgingly stated.

"I'd ask how you could possibly get an EE in history of magicbut I get it," Harry gave a bark of laughter, "Having to memories all those goblin names, the dates of the warsthat's what our history accumulates to goblin wars." Rolling his eyes, to think they could be learning something better but what could you do?

"What about you, Daphne how did you do?" Harry asked calmly, glancing her way.

"Outstanding with two EE in history and flying, and an acceptable in Earth magic." Daphne admitted, "I'm unsure if I wish to continue taking Earth magic." the grade had been a huge disappointment to her. Thankfully, those tests would not define her, no, it would be her OWL and NEWT's that would.

"Do you enjoy it?" Harry questioned, he hadn't taken it, he'd had to take the bare minimum due to his recovery being more important. He wished to take more this year, he'd need to speak to Professor Flitwick to see if it was possible.

"Yes, yes, it's fascinating," Daphne confessed.

"Then stick to it, you're allowed to enjoy a magic and not be the best at it." Harry pointed out, "It's not as if you did bad on your core subjects, it's an extra-curricular class. Plus, if you don't do well enough in your exams to meet your own expectations, you can drop it just before OWL year."

Draco nodded his agreement, "Father said the same thing," he had complained about his Astronomy grade. No doubt, Corvus had said pretty much the same thing to Harry too.

"I actually wanted to take Art and Muggle Art classes," Harry confided in them, "I love painting and drawing and seeing other portraits and landscapes, we got to see so many while we were on holidayespecially Romeit was breath-taking."

"They might not be available this year," Daphne pointed out, leaning forward excitedly, "I've heard there's going to be a huge change at Hogwarts this yearhave you heard anything?"

"He wouldn't say," Harry pouted, "No matter how much I badgered him, I can't wait to find out."

"Only nine more hours until we find out," Draco said, looking out the window to the lush landscape that was passing them by.

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