Chapter 113

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The Contract

Chapter 113

As soon as the Portkey deposited Harry back at Hogwarts, guilt squirmed in his stomach. He shouldn't have done that; he shouldn't have left without saying goodbye to everyone. Especially Corvus, he didn't question whether the wizard would worryhe knew he would. Gnawing at his lip, he gave up, shrugging his shoulders. Feeling bad, there was nothing he could do nowthe portkey was one wayand yes, he had his emergency Portkey but he didn't dare use that, it was as named, for emergencies.

He'd write to him, just as soon as he got back to his dorm, the journals make thing significantly easier than owl post. If he'd only had owl post available to him, if would take at least 15 hours for it to reach Corvus. Luckily the journals mean that Corvus would find it when he went to bed this eveningbut what if he didn't? Harry thought, stomach starting to churn, he truly felt awful.

He had just been really, really annoyed, actually angry, and he'd never felt that way towards Rabastan before. In fact, he hadn't felt that way towards any of the Lestrange's in his four years with them. Oh, he was smart enough to realize that there was a reason behind it, a stupid one probably, but still a reason. Reason or not, Harry was going to make Rabastan regret his decisions.

Just wait, Harry said pursing his lips, as he stomped up the stairs and into Hogwarts the big entrance doors were still open. They would remain so until he was inside, and only open again for the headmaster when he returned. The urge to head to the Dungeons were strong, but even if he was back early, he knew Professor Flitwick would be disappointed if he didn't let him know he had returned and head straight back to Ravenclaw common room.

Right now, it was still early enough that Professor Flitwick would still be in his office. They knew where his quarters were in the event of an emergency. Like Professor Snape, Flitwick had his quarters near his office and classroom to make it easier all around. If two floors could be considered close but considering they were in a castleit could have been further. If rumours were to be believed nobody had even known where Professor McGonagall's quarters were when she was here, not even the Gryffindors. Not even the prefects, but the rumour mill wasn't exactly the most reliable of information. McGonagall was gone though, so not important in the grand scheme of things.

He'd make Rabastan regret deciding to be a dickwadsomehow. He thought as he began walking up the stairs. Professor Flitwick's office just happened to be on the seventh floor – closer to Gryffindor common room than Ravenclaw's – but at least he only had two floors to go down to get to his common room though. He could be just as petulant he thought.

Sighing softly, no, he couldn't, he was just hurt and maybe just a little angry with the way Rabastan was being. He didn't understand it, why would he be that way all of a sudden? Had he said something wrong? Done something wrong that upset him without realizing it? Rabastan was meant to be older than him, more mature, its why heloved Rabastan so much. While he loved his friendsthey were immature sometimes, even Daphne, like how she'd been treating Rene at the party. That wasn't what he'd wanted for him and Rabastan.

His thoughts continued to circle on what could have happened, what could have caused the change as he climbed the seven levels to get to Professor Flitwick's office. He knocked on the door once he arrived, waiting patiently for an answer to his knock.

"Come in!" came the less than cheerful voice of Professor Flitwick, considering how late it was it wasn't a surprise.

"I've just come to let you know I'm back, Sir," Harry said giving his professor a smile hiding his worries.

"Ah, good, good, thank you for letting me know you've returned safely," Flitwick said, pleased to see him, but a frown marred his features as he gazed at Harry. "Is everything well?"

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