Chapter 62

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The Contract

Chapter 62

Voldemort had never been gladder to see his home, he was beyond tired. He hadn't slept for more than a few hours every day for the past month. Two weeks of it had been in Egypt, not only taking care of a dangerous – in terms of his cowardice not his powers – loose end and naturally ensure Harry's safety.

Pettigrew had been a danger to his secret return, if he was caughthe would spill everything. As of right now, nobody had believed Dumbledore's claims that he was the Dark Lord. With a little luck, nobody would ever believe his ramblings. To ensure that he had to take care of Pettigrew who was a coward. He would have spilled whatever he needed to in order to survive.

He had no loyalty to anyone, except for surviving. How he had been placed in Gryffindor, well, that was beyond his understanding. He definitely should have ended up in Slytherin, he was the worst sort of Slytherin neither ambitious or cunning, but his self-preservation was off the charts.

He would follow anyone that had power in order to live. It had been something he'd taken advantage of when he cornered the rat when he wanted someone in the Order of the Phoenix. He'd needed a spy, one that wouldn't be suspected. Which meant Lupin – the werewolf – was out. He honestly hadn't expected Pettigrew to last long, but he had, four years he'd been his spy. He'd often wondered if Dumbledore had known, he normally didn't have a problem reading the minds of those he interacted with. Pettigrew certainly had no mind shields, he should know, he'd gotten everything he could out of the useless pathetic man.

Still, the wizard was dead, he'd killed him, letting loose his baser desires while he was at it. It had been too long since he had been able to invest in a spot of torture. Although, he hadn't made it too obvious, and had to ensure the 'time of death' window had been when Black was with his therapist, so he couldn't be arrested for the crime. The only kind thing he'd ever do for Black.

Pettigrew was meant as an apology to Harry after all. Getting his godfather arrested for the crime would just make that apology redundant. He'd seen Harry reading the book by Mark Twain, a book of poetry. Even he had been surprised, it was from the school, he'd found, the book had been marked and it was very, very overdue. It had come surprisingly easy on how to complete the apology.

The boy was definitely smart enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Him and him alone, although he honestly wouldn't be surprised if Corvus figures it out as well. They were close, not something he had expected. It had been a beneficial arrangement between them, but it had become so much more. As little as he was around them, even he could see that.

Once inside, Voldemort set his alarm, the brother's trial would soon begin. Everything had been set up to ensure success. It was going to be all too amusing to see their faces, he thought as he finally lay his head down to sleep. Their conviction that they were guilty was going to be blown to smithereens and he couldn't wait.

It was going to be glorious.

A few hours later, his alarm went off, and Voldemort felt like he'd literally just closed his eyes.

It was time to dawn on the persona of Aurelius Adamos-Slytherin after breakfast of course.

Smug in superior satisfaction, he got up to start his day.


"I have something I wish to give you before you leave," Corvus informed Harry, neither having to rush breakfast as Graham had agreed to work for him. He had no need to begin his day so early and see to the animals. It was a weight off, especially on days where he would be constantly at the wizengamot meetings.

Harry perked up, looking at Corvus curiously, wondering what Corvus had to give him. "Yes?" he asked, acknowledging what Corvus had said to him.

"I know you're trying to translate the book and learning Ancient Egyptian in your free time, but here," Corvus said, "Make time for the things you like, even if it's just a chapter in the evening." He was so proud of the teen and the effort the was putting into his education. However, he did deserve to do something because it pleased him and made him happy.

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