Chapter 120

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The Contract

Chapter 120

The smell of breakfast wafting through the air had Harry walking quicker towards the dining room. Excitement thrumming through him, he couldn't wait to leave for the conference. It was going to be so much fun, and he was looking forward to seeing just exactly what was on sale. He had his Gringotts cards, money pouch and the items that were going to be for sale were already in the living room. "HeySirius," Harry said plodding in, slightly surprised to see Sirius up first, which was highly unusual, Rodolphus usually had to wait on Sirius.

"Good morning," Sirius said, giving his godson a devilish grin, "Granger is in the newspaper today," he told Harry, showing him the front cover, with the girl dressed in her Muggle attire and looking worse for wear. She did look as if she had lost a lot of weight rapidly, and frankly, she looked depressed.

"I still don't get the Ministry's decision; I mean taking her magic off her? like seriously? It was already gone the spell backfired." Harry huffed shuffling around, he sat next to his godfather, reading his newspaper instead of asking the House-elves to bring him one.

"How long is that been bothering you?" Sirius asked his godson, leaning back, amusement playing across his features. Allowing Harry to read his newspaper, Harrywasn't the most affectionate of teens. Given his childhood it was no surprise, but he was much better than he used to be.

Harry didn't reply, he was still annoyed that she hadn't even been given a week in Azkaban. He wouldn't really wish that place on anyone really, he was just pissed she'd gotten off with what had happened. He had nightmares about the spell hitting him, of Professor Flitwick not being there.

"Neither she nor her children will have magic," Sirius explained, pointing to the bracelets, he spoke, "See those bracelets? They don't just prevent magic usage. With a backfiring spell, she didn't get the full force of it, which makes it possible for her magic to return. That will prevent it, and it also infects the blood it will take generations for magic to return if it's meant to be."

"Oh," Harry said in surprise, "I didn't think we'd still be able to see them" he conceded, could they be removed?

"We can, Muggles can't," Sirius told him, "It also prevents her from getting anywhere near magical societies. The bracelet will form a bubble, and physically stop her getting into say Diagon Alley, or any other magical society."

"And if she's found to be attempting to immerse herself in the magical world?" Harry quired, before pointing out. "You don't need to go there to order stuff."

"That," Sirius said, as Harry shuffled to the next pages, to get to the rest of the article. "She is aware of the consequences, probably told if she was caught with anything magical, she'd be put in Azkaban likely." Stretching for his orange juice and drinking from it.

"Good, she deserves everything she gets," Harry huffed, ah, so the article said she wasn't allowed anywhere near the magical world now. He'd sort of wondered how Sirius knew, but he did grow up in a pureblood household even if he hated it. So, he knew a lot about the magical world that Harry still didn't.

"That she does," Sirius said, grey eyes darkening as he stared at the pathetic figure the girl made. He was seething that she hadn't been properly punished, at least in his book. Although, he honestly couldn't say he would wish the wand snapping on anyone. It was such a painful feeling and loss, rubbing his chest absently. He had it happen to him when he was brought to the Ministry and presumed guilty. "She was manipulated." he tried to be magnanimous, but he failed spectacularly.

"Oh, please, she was around Dumbledore for all of one year, and received all of a dozen letters from both of Dumbledore and Moody." Harry grumbled, discontentedly. Smiling when plates of food and drink were spread out on the table suddenly. "I never get tired of that." He confessed, plopping into his own seat.

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