Chapter 109

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The Contract

Chapter 109

"Llrune?" Harry called, as he swayed on the balls of his feet excitement thrumming through him. Did he wear something 'proper' or did he wear something loose fitting and comfortable for their zoo excursion? They were getting a private viewing, who knew what that entailed! Getting to see the animals much closer than normal?

"What can Llrune do for Master Harry?" the House-elf popped in, as always eager to serve, despite how early it actually was. Not that the House-elf would bring it up, it was improper for her to question her Masters. Watching Harry almost vibrating out of his skin eyes wider than normal.

"Wake Rabastan up and we'd like a quick breakfast please," Harry told the House-elf, deciding on stylish and comfortable. Snatching the hangers with his clothes, he plucked them off their hangers and was quick to get dressed. Noticing Llrune was not there anymore when he turned around, not that it surprised him.

Llrune popped out of her Masters' bedroom closet and popped noiselessly into Master Rabastan's bedroom. "Master Rabastan must wake now, Master Harry is wanting you," the House-elf told the sleeping wizard. "Time to wake up Master Rabastan!"

Rabastan groaned pitifully, grumbling under his breathe he grabbed his sheets and threw them over his head. Moaning softly, his entire head thumping, stomach queasy and body feeling like he'd had the Wizarding Flu for the past year. In fact, now that he was awake, he realized he actually felt like he was going to be sick. He needed to get to the toilet but he didn't want to move.

"Will Llrune tell Master Harry, Master Rabastan wishes to stay abed?" the House-elf asked her Master, disappointed for Master Harry who was very excited, he was seldom like that. Always quiet, calm, polite and composed. She really didn't want to have to tell Master Harry that what he had planned would have to wait.

Rabastan's head emerged from the covers, staring at the House-elf with a look that said he was going to murder someone. Especially when he noticed the actual time, five thirty am, then it clicked, he suddenly understood what the blasted House-elf had said. "No, inform him I shall be down soon," groaning he lay back in his bed. He couldn't believe Harry was already up and dressed for the day. Well, he could believe it, he hadn't expected it. "And retrieve me a Hangover cure, and orange juice."

He should have, Harry had been really excited all day yesterday about the upcoming visit to the magical zoo. His love for animals was well known, if not for his love of politics and desire to change the law, he would definitely have had a career where he had a lot of contact with animals. A small smile appeared on his face, despite his throbbing head.

"Yes, Master Rabastan!" with that Llrune popped away.

Stretching out, his sanctuary was bathed entirely in darkness except for one glaring exception. The Patronus globe that Harry had personally made for him years ago. Years ago, yes, it was years ago now, which boggled the mind.

A pop had him opening one of his eyes, to see a large goblet and a vial setting itself down on his bed. "Thank you, you may go." he said, it was done a little bit grudgingly, House-elves wanted to serve them, why they – wizards – needed to thank them he did not know. Yet every single incident where Harry called them, he thanked them for their services. He supposed it wasn't hurting anyone, hence why he adopted the practice. Anything to see that smile on Harry's face.

The look on his brother and Sirius' face had been hilarious.

Yanking out the cork, Rabastan poured the vial down his throat, swallowing the contents. Closing his eyes, relishing in the feeling of the potion doing its job. Oh, that felt good, the pounding headache receded and his stomach settled somewhat. Flinging the empty vial into the bin beside his bed, he greedily guzzled the orange juice until there was nothing left. It was fresh and cool, just the way he liked it.

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