Chapter 28

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The Contract

Chapter 28

It was Saturday morning, and that meant once again, a trip to Azkaban prison to visit the Lestrange brothers. True to the suggestion, Voldemort had remained at Lestrange manor as a guest. He had not believed hed be able to tolerate being around the Potter boy. Hed never been able to tolerate children, even whilst a child himself. Yet the boy was calm, undemanding and had a thirst for knowledge that may even surpass his own at that age. It was only a week, but he was finding himself more than just tolerating the boys presence. Which had irked him somewhat, he didnt even want to tolerate him, in fact, hed elected in the beginning after the vow to mostly ignore the boy. Now, however, not only did he quite like him, he found that Harry Potter was a Horcrux and definitely had to be protected at all costs.

He had discussed the boy with Corvus, and found that the boy would likely be returning to Hogwarts for what would be his second year. Hed be taking his exams of course, at the Ministry when the time came, should it prove to be safe. Voldemort wasnt sure whether he was comfortable with that, but he couldnt forbid it, even if he did, he doubted Corvus would allow his interference when it came to Harry and the Vow would prevent any action on his part.

It would just require him getting one of his most faithful into Hogwarts, one unmarked, it was vital that he remain incognito. The more people he had in position to protect Potter the better. Albeit if they even succeeded in getting a job there. He would need to take care of one of the professors and get them out of the picture as unobtrusive as possible. Quirinius had remained teaching, finding he rather enjoyed teaching defence against the dark arts. Dumbledore remained ignorant of the fact Quirinius had allowed him to host on the back of his head. So, between two of his own and no doubt Snape to an extent, Harry should prove to beprotected.

Good morning, Harry, Corvus said pleasantly, as the eleven-year-old joined them for breakfast, still dressed in his nightwear, a robe wrapped around his thin frame keeping the cold from bothering him. The fires were going, but it would take a while for the manor to truly heat up due to how big and draughty such places were and how big.

Morning, Harry said, shuffling to his seat and sliding in, his aches and pains still prevalent until he plucked the pain relief draught from the table and gratefully drank its contents.

Corvus watched Harry take his potions, waiting until he was finished and the empty vials vanished before he spoke, We need to discuss what happens when we visit the boys, he informed the young boy.

Harry glanced up baffled, Why? Brow furrowing, theyd never had to discuss anything before leaving, not ever. They didnt need to discuss anything other than what to get Rabastan, which had already been done, everything was all packed, including a delicious brunch for them that was still hot. So, yes, he was rather confused at the moment.

You cannot discuss the Horcruxes with them, Corvus said, his tone grim and serious.

But we dont keep secrets, Harry protested, it was a stipulation in the agreement, no lies. He didnt want to start lying, hed be angry if people lied to him. He didnt want Rabastan or Rodolphus angry with him when they found out.

They mustnt find out while they are in Azkaban, Corvus gently explained, understanding Harrys dilemma, They will understand I promise you that. it wouldnt be the first time that the Dark Lord had demanded secrecy, and it wouldnt be the last.

Harry was clearly undecided on that pronouncement, green eyes shadowed with worries.

The more information they have, the greater danger they are in, Voldemort informed the boy coolly, deciding to join the conversation. Just remember, that they might be given Veritaserum while they are questioned. Which may well happen in an attempt to make sure that they are not released. Whereupon it will put us in a great deal more danger than you could fathom at the moment. And it was most certainly an us situation. He wasnt sure how much Dumbledore knew, which was concerning but he rather hoped the old fool wasnt aware of his horcruxes. If he did find outhe would arrange for the boy to be killed, of that he had no doubt whatsoever. He probably wouldnt do it himself, Dumbledore didnt have the guts for that.

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