Chapter 136

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The Contract

Chapter 136

Sirius and Rodolphus skidded into the room, both of them looking cross between sheepish and dread filled. Then Sirius burst out laughing, unable to help himself. The look on his godson's face, he looked like he'd just lost every stitch of clothing and had been told he'd need to go outside naked. "I'm sorry!" he wheezed out, between bouts of laughter, "I'm so sorry!" falling against his husband, his stomach twisting uncomfortably as the hilarity just got the better of him.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Rabastan demanded to know, he knew that Harry put his heart and soul into every single project. It didn't matter if it got finished or not, he did his best to complete it. Even if it got shelved for a more fervent project he wished to complete. Not to mention his books were worth a bloody fortune. How could they let this happen?

Sirius sobered, one last little heh leaving his throat, before a resigned sigh left his lips.

"Don't get your wand in a twist, everyone is fine," Rodolphus grumbled, not liking his brother making his husband feel bad for their momentary lapse.

"How did this happen?" Harry asked, his tone quiet, he was seething, everything was ruined, all of it. All those calculations that had taken him months to hunt down, find and correct and make anew. He knelt down and picked up one of the paint smeared books.

"Oh, Harry, things happen when you have children, Corvus is up stairs with one of the House-elves, the twins need washed and Llrune wouldn't answer." Sirius said, "There's no need to be so upset, the paint will wash off." Sirius promised the teenager, Harry had never been around children and it wasn't more readily apparent than this moment.

"No, it won't! the paint has been specially made for painting portraits! The process of the paint being made is layered with spells upon spells so it cannot be painted over, spelled, or whatever else they do. Everything is ruined." He didn't have a copy of any pages of that project! He never thought he'd need one, if only he had grabbed it before they lefteverything would be fine. A twinge of worry shot through him, would Corvus blame him? Would he be disappointed? What if rug and couch meant a lot to him? This was all his fault; he shouldn't have left them lying.

Sirius just blinked dumbly at his godson, watching him gather everything up, and shove it into his bag. Banishing the remnants of the paint tubes, before moving out of the room without another word.

"What on earth is" Sirius stared after his godson befuddled. "Is it because he's stressed out with school?" they hadn't seen him stressed about school, so they weren't exactly sure if that was what it was.

Rabastan shook his head, he didn't think that was it exactly. "Excuse me," he murmured, crossing passed both his brother and Sirius, making his way towards Harry's room. He glanced back when he heard Sirius curse up a storm for a few seconds. Good thing he did, since a desk and its entire contents came sailing through. Harry's desk, the one he very frequently used in the sitting area.

Rabastan frowned, displeased with that, he really needed to have a talk with Harry. Shaking his head, he moved swiftly through the hallway, making his way towards Harry's rooms. It was the first sign of what could be termed teenage angst or rebellion he'd seen from Harry.

The door was wide open when he ventured in. "I know you're angry, but you must never summon something that big when people are between you and it, especially people you love." It was a warning as well as a caution. "Hit a child at the wrong angle with that thing you'd kill them." Blinking when he actually caught sight of Harry, he was trapped under the desk which was at an odd angle.

"Help!" Harry croaked out, his head coming up before he slumped back down, "Ow!"

"Don't move," Rabastan said, moving over and kneeling before his partner, making sure there were no pools of blood. Only then did he swiftly levitate the table off of his fiancé, "I'll go get Mill" before he could even begin to get the Healers name fully out, Harry grasped a hold of his clothes, and yanking him close.

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