Chapter 41

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The Contract

Chapter 41

Rabastan was still reeling over the bomb that Harry had so casually dropped earlier. Sitting in his cell, at the edge of his bed, supposed to be resting then doing his exercises, but just thought on what had been discussed earlier. Hed barely stopped himself from choking to death on those Bertie Botts every flavour beans. Now that would have been an embarrassing way to die. Rabastan Lestrange, cause of Death obstruction of Bertie Botts every flavour beans.

Harry was a carrier, it was quite rare these days, there was perhaps two in the British Isles, that were known, three now if you included Harry. Some families didnt let it get out, or even inform their children, mostly those who thought it was abhorrent and the prerequisite for their children to be gay which some wizards and witches couldnt tolerate.

All of them from light families, of course, who didnt care for the old ways or for those with any hint of creature blood. It wouldnt be the first time a wizard had found out they were pregnant way too late to do a damn thing about it and ended up being sent away to have the child out of wedlock. Something much, much worse, the kid was usually then taken in by distant relatives to be raised or worse dumped in the Muggle worlds orphanage. The family then pretended nothing was wrong, if they were lucky, often times they were disowned because of their actions or because of their ability.

James Potter had been light, and submerged in Dumbledores pocket, practically moulded to hate anything remotely dark. Would that have extended to his first born son? If he had not been murderedwhat would have become of Harry if it became known? It did not matter, James Potter was dead, and Harry was safe with a family who will cherish him for who and what he is.

A Naga. He thought reverentially, hed been raised in the old ways, he knew just how rare Nagas were, solely descendant from the Slytherin line, giving them their ability to speak Parseltongue, Salazar Slytherins mother had been a Naga in fact, and thus began a long and lustrous line until the inbreeding had proven to have fatal consequences. Thankfully most families had the smarts to bring Half-bloods with good names into the fold, trying at hiding what they were from the world as if it was something embarrassing and most failed. Their world was too small, by far, to enable one to hide what their husband or wives were. Even the Dumbledores were guilty of it actually.

And now the Naga blood was making a reappearance once more.

Man, his father was probably near ready to have a heart attack with the influx of new information. Between Harry doing a ritual on his own and the fact he was not just a Naga but a carrier. He knew his father well, and knew what hed be thinking. Particularly gutted that the contract wasnt for real, he was a little too, but Harry was just a kid, an eleven-year-old kid.

There was nothing attractive about that, not to him. His lineage yes, but that was about it.

It wouldnt remain that way of course, but he still had to find that out for himself.


Rodolphus lay on his cot, a wry smirk gracing his features, freedom was within his grasp. Not just from Azkaban but his wife he would no longer be responsible for her or her actions. They wouldnt reflect badly on him, or the Blacks come to that if she was utterly stripped of her Black heritage. He couldnt even bring himself to feel a little bit bad. Hed had to try and keep a tight reign on her since he married her, and failed nearly every turn.

Gritting his teeth, vividly remembering the time that it had not only just failed but blown up in their faces. Her determination to go after the Longbottoms, hed tried to talk her out of it, and there was a reason it had taken a week after the defeat of their Lord before Bellatrix committed the crime. Unfortunately, she had managed to sneak away, and he had gone after her with his brother and his brothers best friend Barty.

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