Chapter 43

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The Contract

Chapter 43

Everyone stood and applauded, including Corvus, so Harry deftly copied him, making the move seem purposeful despite not knowing what was going on. "It doesn't seem finished," Harry confessed, as the applauding died down and the stage went dark, denoting its end.

Corvus leaned down to hear what Harry was saying, "It's not," Corvus easily explained, as he led them out of the box. They had the perfect seating to the side of the stage and saw the performance at an optimal spot. There was room in the box to house more people, of course, but only he and Harry were situated into it. "This is an intermission, a break while the performers have a rest before returning to perform the next hour and half left of the act." They had been on the move frantically one might say, for the last hour and half, they were bound to be dead on their feet.

"Oh," Harry said before nodding, it made sense. "How long is the break for?"

"The length of intermission varies for each operatic production. In fact, some do not even have intermissions, it is admittedly very rare. The intermission runs between thirty and forty minutes." Corvus explained easily, guiding him through to the restaurant and not the pub he'd usually visit when he came on his own or his preference with an acquaintance, he was always bothered at these events. "Hence why I suggested we have dinner a little lateit will give us something to do to pass the time before we return to see the end."

"J'ai une réservation sous Lestrange s'il vous plait," Corvus said in flawless French, to the hostess, who was dressed resplendently in a gorgeous black dress, that wasn't too revealing and professional enough for work. The Maitre d'hotel was an important facet of any restaurant, they reflect the restaurant and it's standards.

"Parfaitement à l'heure," she said with a smile, "Suivez-moi s'il-vous-plait," picking up leather bound menu's and begun to show the way, the only sign of her exhaustion of having been run off her feet was a little wobble and a barely discernible wince.

"Merci beaucoup," Corvus said gracefully as he took his seat, Harry took the one across from him as expected.

"Merci," Harry said, as he too was handed a menu. There was no child's menu to be found here, and nor were there any prices he observed.

"Bon appétit!" she said, knowing they would enjoy their meal, the food here was delicious. They had one of the top chefs around. "Votre serveur sera bientôt avec vous," informing them that their server will be with them soon.

"Que puis-je vous offrir ce soir Messieurs?" their sever made an appearance.

"Menu cinq s'il vous plait," Corvus requested the fifth menu, "pour nous deux," he added. Making it clear that he and Harry were having the same meal.

"Parfait," the server said, giving a short bow as he graciously took their menu's, promising to return with their wine – and butterbeer for Harry naturally – before he left to put in their food choice with the chef.

"So, what did you think of the production so far?" Corvus asked, testing the wine and giving a nod of approval to the server who had returned with their drinks. "Rabastan and Rodolphus came to see this one for their first foray into the Opera," he revealed, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Harry gratefully drank from his goblet of butterbeer, thirsty beyond belief. There was no food or drink allowed while you watched the performance. The pain relief draughts he took made him very thirsty, only because of the thickness that left an aftertaste in his mouth. He was used to it, but still, nonetheless grateful for something to drink.

"Would you like to try some?" while in France and all that, Corvus thought, it wasn't as if he was going to allow him to drink for the rest of their holiday.

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