Chapter 35

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The Contract

Chapter 35

Corvus truly did not want the magical world to know that he had custody of Harry. The outcry would bedevastating. He knew that, and Merlin only knows the chaos that would reign when that occurred. Harry would never know peace again, theyd overwhelm the boy, try their best to turn Harry against them. The mental anguish that would come with thatwould be quite staggering. He was at the end of the day, just an eleven-year-old boy. It had always been a concern, but with smooth sailing thus far, it hadnt been a worry or fear hed anticipated.

Custody? Heir Clearwaterare you out of your mind? Lord Slytherin asked, disbelief written across his features. Mr. Black has just spent a decade in Azkaban prison. He is in no fit state to take care of himself let alone a child. He needed help getting in here for Merlins sakewhat youre asking is at the height of carelessness and stupidity.

Corvus zeroed in on Sirius resigned but accepting face at the pronouncement. Perhaps Black wouldnt be as unreasonable as he assumed. He supposed he would need to remember that Black had spent a decade in Azkaban, it would change anyone.

Lets not forget he did abandon his godson in order to go after Peter Pettigrew, to a half-giant, Lucius added smoothly, Hed just lost his parents and he thought why not lob him off to a stranger? Not good form that. I certainly wouldnt want him around my son. Nobody was surprised by Lucius pronouncement, he was very protective of his son.

Sirius grimaced at the words, oh, he so very much regretted leaving Harry alone to get revenge. Unfortunately, he hadnt been thinking right, hed just wanted to get revenge on someone for what happened to his best friends. Its something hed been thinking on for yearswhat would have happened to him if hed stayed with Harry instead of going after Pettigrew.

I very much doubt he was a stranger, Clearwater said dryly, trying to brush off the comments and not have them linger in the minds of the rest of the wizengamot. He could see that he had failed regretfully, he was under orders to ensure Sirius Black got custody of Harry Potterhe had to accomplish that at least.

Really? They were on the run, at what time do you think Mr. Hagrid was able to spend time with Heir Potter? Enough so that the child was comfortable in his presence? Corvus asked, a derisive scoff in his voice.

Clearwater was just about to open his mouth to further protest, his mind mulling over the best way to get what he wanted. Unfortunately, it was all about to be derailed and very much side-tracked.

I think were all forgetting one important aspect here, Lord Greengrass offered up, well aware of what happened to Heir Potter and where he was and how happy he was. Harry had befriended Daphne his daughter, and kept in contact with her, and a few of his friends presumably. Heir Potter is eleven-years-old, soon to be twelve, he is old enough to choose to whom he desires to live with.

Its true enough, Amelia conceded with a dip of her head, Mr. Blackshould you desire to get custody of your godson, you will need to go through the necessary channels. This is not a custody hearing, this is a trial, and truthfully, right now at this very moment, you would not gain custody of the child. You do not have the necessary points to be considered a good match for adopting anyone, let alone a child so adored by the magical community. No home, mentally impaired, not even able to look after himself, no means of income, hed be laughed right out of the office.

Sirius, looking more haggard and worn – if such a thing was possible – just nodded. Exhaustion was swamping him in droves, as he tried very much to keep himself alert and awake. To listen to them, to hear what they were saying, and it was taking up every surmountable bit of energy he had and sapping it up fast.

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