Chapter 55

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The Contract

Chapter 55

Harry walked with Corvus, noticing the shorter pace he'd set for himself. There was a first for everything after all, it was normally Corvus having to slow down for him. Maybe he should suggest Millicent look at Corvus while she was here? For both their own peace of mind. Definitely asking Millicent, he thought seeing Corvus shivering a little, even with the warmth of the manor.

Before too long they were at Corvus' office, where Millicent was waiting on them. The rune equipment was already set up, just ready to be used. With it being legalised, Millicent no longer had to use it in secret, and with only those who would understand.

"Come on, let's get you sat down," Harry said, grasping Corvus' elbow and hand and guiding him towards his seat. His breathing was laboured, even if he was attempting to disguise it by breathing through his nose.

"I'm fine, Harry," Corvus said, patting at Harry's hand in comfort.

Millicent watched the entire thing, eyebrows raised in surprise. Then they narrowed in determination. She was not going to leave without getting him checked out. It had been a while since she checked him over, usually had an annual check-up but he hadn't had any recently. Very remiss of him and her for that matter.

"Right, Harry, come on then, you know how it goes," Millicent said, with the ritual legalised she didn't need written permission on the sly. She was very proud to see weight on his bones and Harry looking taller. He would never be as tall as he could have been. There was no way for her to fully correct those ten years of starvation he'd endured at the hands of those despicable muggles.

Harry handed over his hand, index finger forward, and without further fanfare Millicent used her wand to cast a spell and a droplet of blood soon appeared on Harry's finger. The aforementioned bloody finger was then placed on the rune.

"How are you feeling, Corvus?" Millicent asked the wizard, eyeing him contemplatively.

"Fit as a fiddle," Corvus replied, watching Millicent and Harry as well, wanting to make sure the teen was still recovering at the rate he had been. The last time he'd been at Hogwarts his recovery had taken a dive. "Don't worry about me."

"We'll see," Millicent commented, serious about checking him over. That sort of breathlessness did not come out of nowhere. There was something wrong, and she would get to the bottom of it. Even if she had to manipulate the wizard in order to check him over. "Are you still doing your exercises?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, I promise,"

"I'm pleased to hear that," Millicent said, giving him a small smile. She wasn't used to working with children that actually listened fully to what she said. Children would be children and try to work there way around orders. Eating cakes and sweets when they shouldn't be, it was only expected.

Reading the results once they were there, she began to hum softly. It would appear that Harry was doing very well indeed. "Well, young man, you are doing extremely well. In fact, you will now be on a different prescription when it comes to Potions from now onyou won't need such strong pain reliver or such a high concentration of nutrition potionbut I'd like you to continue taking the vitamin draught that you are." It certainly wouldn't hurt at all.

"How many different kinds of prescriptions are there?" Harry asked, he didn't know much about medicinal potions yet.

"You have three more kinds that can be prescribed before you no longer need to take them." Millicent explained, as she cleaned off the blood, sterilised the rune, before placing it in her case. "You'll be going on lower doses before you know it. Now if you are in any pain Floo call me, and we'll discuss it, alright?" not wanting to keep him on a higher doze any longer than she needed to. It was highly addictive; it's why she'd been slowly lowering the dozes when she felt he would be fine without.

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