Chapter 95

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The Contract

Chapter 95


Corvus swiftly made his way towards Antonio and Tom, they were just heading into the lift. They paused in closing the doors to let him in, before closing them swiftly. Corvus waited until they were below the level before handing over the mirror and letter. This is from Harry to give to Madam Bones.

Finally losing patience? Antonio questioned, not at all surprised. Would you prefer that I be there for the meeting? they couldnt question Harry alone even through a mirror, he was at the end of the day a minor. He couldnt see Madam Bones actually breaking the law, even if it was just to get a statement from the victim of a crime. Especially towards someone who was going to be Lord Potter one day.

I wouldnt say losing patience as such, but they arent going to stop asking. This way is perfectly adequate. Corvus replied, And to answer your question, yes, I would greatly appreciate your presence, although its not required. Mr. Black could take on the role, he is at the end of the day, Harrys godfather. And they were getting closer now that Harry no longer clung to the fear of being abandoned by them.

Antonio gave a small thoughtful sound, wondering what was best to do.

Both of you should be there, it would give the appearance of connections and security. Tom replied, having listened carefully to the conversation. Many are unaware that Black cannot be Lord Black, which is just ridiculous. Pinching the bridge of his nose. They were idiots, and incapable of thinking by the look of it. Fortunately, it worked out well for them, at least until Harry was ready to step out as Lord Black-Potter. It was a lot to place on Harrys shoulders but he seemed willing and happy to do it.

Its a good point, Antonio agreed wholeheartedly, Alright, I will require a Portkey, unlessthe one I have will work again? glancing at Corvus as the lift jerked to a stop. He still had it; it was in his office. You didnt just leave Portkeys lying around, it was at the height of idiocy. Especially seeing as he had curious children, who knew better than to touch things they didnt know, but they hadnt taught them that in the safety of their own home.

It should, yes, Corvus nodded, opening the gates, allowing Antonio and Tom to step out before closing them back up. It was rather pointless, because they closed themselves after a certain amount of time if someone forgot. That way the lift wasnt put out of commission. It will be held tomorrow at 3:30 there, so 1:30 here. Two-hour time difference between the UK and Africa. Africa being two hours ahead of them. It was something he had to get acclimatised to due to having to Portkey back and forth.

Ill be there, Antonio nodded making a mental note, he had to push back a meeting with a potential client, but his current ones came first.

I assume that his relationship with Mr. Black is becoming more secure? Tom asked, as they moved, everyone was already in the courtroom. Due to the secret nature of their work, there wasnt portraits around this part of the Ministry.

It is as a matter of fact, despite thecause of the injuries, I do believe its done wonders for them all. Corvus agreed as the three continued on to the meeting room. It would solidify Sirius on their side, regardless of what he found out.

Good, Tom was thinking the exact same thing, soon he would be returning on a more official basis. To see whether Harry wished to have the Horcrux removed, and proceed with the procedure or whether he wanted to the Horcrux kept within him. It had been part of him for so long, it wouldnt surprise Tom if he unconsciously couldnt bear the thought of being without it. Regardless, it would be entirely Harrys decision.

Walking into the room, the three powerful men inclined their heads in greeting. Tom immediately claimed a seat near William, with Corvus and Antonio claiming their seats.

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