Chapter 49

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The Contract

Chapter 49

The flash of flames heralding Fawkes presence was a balm to Dumbledore's wounded soul. After everything he had done for them, they would sentence him to Azkaban for over three hundred years. Never to be freed, experience freedom again or see the sun without bars in the way. One day they would understand that everything he had done was for the greater good. For the magical world on a whole. When he was doneDark Wizards and evil magic forgotten. They'd revere him, and he would forgive only those who stood by him. That wounded pain quickly transformed into rage, it made him see red as he found himself unable to control his temper. The Dementors had drained every single piece of patience he had and then some.

The sheer panic brought on by Fawkes arrival was hindered by Fawkes soothing notes, muting the panic and fear. Not just on Dumbledore but absolutely everyone, this was why phoenixes were considered light creatures. Albus wanted to weep, after being stuck in the dark dank cell with dark, dark thoughtsFawkes was a miracle. He'd never been more happy to see the blasted bird.

It took a few seconds for Dumbledore to blink away the flares in his eyes from Fawkes abrupt entrance. The Phoenix, however, was not beside him as he expected, nor above himhe was at the other side of the room.

"Fawkes!" Dumbledore demanded once more; the blasted bird had been trained for this. Well, not this particular situation, but he was nothing if not prepared for every eventuality. He had caged it in the beginning, made sure it was only fed after it did its trick. Eventually he gave it more freedom, perhaps a little too much freedom. He thought, almost brought to his knees by the level of rage he was experiencing. It was a vicious visceral thing, that he normally kept well hidden from view.

Lord Slytherin stood, absently correcting his plum robes, looking entirely at ease. Not at all panicked like the majority of the wizengamot, whom all had their wands out. "I think you'll find that Fawkes is no longer illegally and darkly bound to you, Albus Dumbledore. He is, as he always was, bound to Hogwarts."

Phoenix's were immortal, in fact Godric Gryffindor had been the one to hatch the egg the phoenix had been in. Salazar Slytherin had found it and gifted it to his brother in all but blood. He had kept the Basilisk himself, and took it into the chamber when she began to grow too big and her second sight began. Second sight wasn't in fact the ability to see, but the ability to petrify and kill people. Something Tom had realized when he began reading the journals, he had found in Slytherin's vault. Shoved away in a corner, history had been entirely fabricated, and he intended to correct it. The journals were to be published, the monetary gain would be split fifty-fifty between himself and Hogwarts. It wasn't possible to have too much money, and it most certainly didn't hurt.

Fawkes had always remained loyal to Hogwarts, to the Headmasters, who kept Fawkes out of the limelight. They saw no need to broadcast the presence of the phoenix, he might have been a school mascot back in the day but at the end of the day he was an independent creature. Or at least he had been, until Dumbledore had decided to keep the bird chained.

"He chained the phoenix to himself?" someone managed to get out through strangled vocal cords, all of them shocked.

"He used dark magic?"


"He's Evil!"

"Get him to Azkaban where he deserves!"

"Fawkes!" Dumbledore once again commanded as the Aurors tightened their hold on him and were prepared to drag him out of the room. Not even relaxing marginally when it seemed like Fawkes would not render Dumbledore aid. Who knows what else the wizard had up his sleeve?

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