Chapter 37

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The Contract

Chapter 37

It took two weeks before Harry agreed to go and see Sirius, in that fortnight he had received a dozen letters none of them harassing or anything like that. Although, it was pretty much the same information over and over again, until Sirius apologised when he realized what he was doing. Only then did Harry agree to visit him and asked for the visiting hours. Harry didnt blame him, hed gone through the same thing with Rabastan and Rodolphus when they were first introduced. Azkaban didnt half screw with your mind, although Harry had to admit he was surprised it took so long for Sirius to regain his senses, after all Corvus said he was pretty coherent during the trial.

Is this okay? Or should I dress down? Harry asked Corvus as he entered Corvus office, dressed in his usual attires. He had forgone wearing Muggle clothes pretty much ever since Corvus had spent a fortune on tailored made clothes for him, twice.

Why would you feel the need to dress down? Corvus questioned, giving his nod of approval at his clothing choice. He detested those Muggle clothes, they were so gaudy and mundane, they were better than Muggles, and should act accordingly, dress accordingly.

It is a hospital, Harry said, barely refraining from shrugging his shoulders.

Then no, you shouldnt dress down, Corvus replied, as the Floo flared, he wasnt at all surprised to see Antonio Abbott standing in his office. As always he was right on time, and looking significantly much better. Antonio, thank you for coming, he added, standing up greeting the wizard with warmth that he didnt display often outside of his home.

Good morning, Antonio answered swiftly, Its no trouble, which was true enough, he didnt mind helping out, and it most definitely wasnt for the money, but he wouldnt Are you ready to go? regardless of whether he didnt mind or not, he couldnt dally, he had a meeting he had to get to in exactly two hours time, so he had to get a move on.

Yeah, Harry agreed, shifting slightly, feeling very uncomfortable, pretty much how hed felt going with the goblins to meet the Lestranges that day so very long ago now.

Are you sure? Antonio gave Harry a deep penetrating look, quite honestly, the kid looked ready to bolt.

Harry grinned wryly, Yeah, realizing how it probably looked, but he was entitled to how he felt, Corvus had always made that very clear.

Then lets go, Antonio said, Ill take care of him, he told Corvus giving a nod, well aware of what Harry meant to Corvus Lestrange. He might not be part of his life on a daily basis but he knew Corvus well, and he could see just how much Corvus cared.

Yes, Corvus agreed, Antonio would, because he would be well aware of the consequences if anything happened to Harry in his care.

Corvus led both Antonio and Harry to the front door, watching them leave until they used the Portkey at the end of the wards. Even once theyd gone he continued staring at nothing, he could only pray that it went well, and that Black would listen to his godson and his wants and desires. If he pushed, Harry would just push back, and in the end the world would know just who had control as theyd like to term it, over the worlds Boy-Who-Lived and would desire to save him from himself, which truly worried him the most, what people would do in a bid to make Harry who they believe he should be.

Shaking off his thoughts, he would not worry about it until it was a reality and only then. He wasnt a wizard who normally dwelt on the what ifs of the world, because it truly changed nothing. Yet these past few months, hed been more of a worrier than normal, and it didnt sit well with him.

If Harry could get Tom liking him, he was sure hed have Sirius wrapped around his little finger within days.


The ContractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora