Chapter 38

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The Contract

Chapter 38

Harrys daily schedule wasmassively overwhelming, and any other eleven-year-old would have raised complaint after complaint about it. Harry didnt seem to mind, if anything he thrived under the strict – or what others would see as strict – settings. In the morning hed get up, have breakfast, tend to the animals as his care of magical creatures class, and then begin a chapter of the magical creatures, then write down what hed learned. Then he would do his exercises, as expected by his healer.

This was just the beginning of his day, hed have a break, something to eat, then hed have art, music and elocution lessons. Another break, then hed attend classes with his tutors, ranging from Ancient Runes to Transfiguration to law classes and learning how to understand the portfolio and the running of his estate. As much as Corvus would like to spend his entire day with Harry – and he actually meant that he was such a easy going young man regardless of what you put in front of him – he had other duties he had to attend to, and not just the wizengamot either.

His busy day where his education came into it, ceased at exactly six thirty, in time for dinner and then the rest of the evening was his own, only if he didnt get homework so to speak from his tutors. If that was the case, hed complete his homework after dinner before getting to settle down for the evening.

His only free day was Sunday, except when he visited Sirius of course, where he could do as he pleased, the majority of that was reading whatever he liked. Except in the afternoon, where he went riding with Corvus, just small rides using the calmer mares due to Harrys delicate body at the moment. When he was less likely to break bones from a fall or put his progress back, theyd take longer rides around Lestrange manor and its surrounding beauty.

Are you looking forward to your holiday in France? Corvus asked, his gaze straight ahead, as his horse trotted along. Harry was right next to him, keeping up quite well, and managing to sit appropriately. The moment hed returned home after visiting Sirius, Corvus had suggested a ride after taking his potions of course, it would help clear his mind and give him an opportunity to talk if he desired to.

Definitely, Harry said, his tone eager and filled with glee, Ive never been anywhere except for Hogwarts before. the Dursleys and Lestrange Manor dont count do they? Unless, you included the outing at the Zoowhich had ended disastrously, as with anything that involved the Dursleys and his accidental magic.

That will change, Corvus stated, how could one be worldly if they had not experienced the world and all its cultures? It was quite disgusting how many times the Dursleys had been on holiday and left Harry with that squib woman. Using his money no doubt to live their extravagant lifestyle.

Harry remained silent at that, his grasp on his reigns tight, enjoying the scenery, the calmness and serenity.

How did your meeting go? Corvus questioned, giving a quick glance at the peaceful faced youngster at his side. He almost regretted the question when his face screwed up a little. Evidently, it hadnt gone all that well, hed receive a full detailed report from Antonio regardless of what Harry revealed, and Harry knew this.

I feela little bad, Harry confessed, his tone wry, and it was most definitely against his better judgement. When I told him about Dumbledore being Chief Warlock for a whilehe crumbled, he was devastated and he left very quicklyhe was crying. Hed made his own godfather cry, breakdown really.

Many people revere the ground Dumbledore walks on, Black just happens to be one of them. Corvus said easily, It was always going to be heart-breaking for him when he realized he was expendable in the old mans plans. He makes them all feel important, the most important thing to him, but as always fails to deliver when it matters.

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