Chapter 88

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The Contract

Chapter 88

Corvus watched over the scene in front of him, his book forgotten in his lap. Harry was glaring holes in the chipper Medi-Witch who was doing his exercises. If looks could kill she would have been incinerated on the spot. She was talking utter nonsense, about how tickly her feet were of all things. She was young though, and hed bet shed just passed her Medi-wizardry course.

Do you intend to return to school to complete a Healers Mastery? Corvus asked, smacking the book closed with the bookmark safely ensconced inside. Giving her something else to talk about, perhaps she blabbed when she was nervous.

Im hoping to! she beamed, continuing to do the exercise on Harrys legs. My cousin works here, he got me a jobIm hoping to stick here part time, it will take me longer to finish the course by two years but doing it without getting into debt is the aim.

You have a good head on your shoulders, he agreed, impressed with her work ethic. It wouldnt be easy; shed hardly get any sleep. If she was mainlining caffeine, it was no wonder she was so chipper.

The Medi-witch flushed, Thank you, she just didnt want to end up deep in debt by loans, she would have some debts she knew that, but working gave her the opportunity to make them as small as possible.

I hate this, Harry said, scowling, he just wanted to throw a damn hissy fit. Make his damn legs move the way he wanted them to. He kept going from anger to defeat, his emotions were all over the place and he hated it. Hated everything about the situation.

I know its difficult, the Medi-witch said, a small sad smile on her face, I went through something similar. Its actually why I want to help people, the hospital I was in wasnt very good though, so it took me years to get back to normal. I had to do PT myself until my aunt realized what was happeningand within six months with real help I was walking againproperly not with any aids.

St. Mungos? Corvus questioned, they werent the best but surely, they wouldnt have been that bad?

Oh, no, just a small magical hospital nearby where I lived in America with my mum, I doubt youve heard of it. she informed him, I always felt better when people tried to distract meI guess Im either bad at it or it doesnt work for everyone. She added sheepishly, grinning at Harry as she lay his leg back into position and covered him up once more.

Harry focused on his feet, not even listening to the conversation. He was able to make his toes twitch occasionally, but that was it. He didnt understand why it was so hard, everything was working so why wouldnt his bloody body move the way he wanted it to?

The closing of the door brought him out of his frustration, to find the Medi-witch was gone thank Merlin. A slither of guilt wound its way inside, it wasnt her fault, but he just felt inexorably angry sometimes.

He had nowhere he could put this frustration except at other people. Luckily, for the most part, he was very good at containing his emotions. Hed had a decade to get good at it, if hed dared to get pissed at the Dursleys he wouldnt have seen the light of day for weeks.

So, he was more passive aggressive than outright angry.

Sighing softly, he leaned his head back against the pillows, he wasnt very good company right now. Licking his lips, he thought on Tonks, he did have a way to let off some frustration after all. Craning his neck, he plucked the bowl off the cabinet and put it between his legs.

Corvus wordlessly handed over the package, which was a little further out of reach. Biting back the urge to lightly reprimand Harry for being discourteous. Yet he couldnt, because he could only imagine how he was feeling at the moment.

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