Chapter 130

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The Contract

Chapter 130

Rodolphus tossed and turned, his mind in utter turmoil. There was a time in his life pre-Azkaban where he would have laughed it off and continued on his way. However, post-Azkaban him was far less reckless, he needed to be if he didn't want to end up back in Azkaban. Without a hope of getting out this time, Harry and the Dark Lord had worked tirelessly to see to it that they were released from prison and innocently at that. Circumstances had worked in their favour – with one little hiccup – even with Bellatrix thrown into the mix. Such an incident wouldn't work again, so naturally, he and Rabastan would be very careful.

It wasn't just their impulsiveness that had curtailed their actions, it was the knowledge. Neither would ever allow themselves to be put back into Azkaban. They would rather die, even with the newer modifications that the prison had undergone. They would never give up their freedom lightly again. Rodolphus knew that most of his cohorts were of the same opinion, and thus a far more cautious generation had emerged from Azkaban. Well aware of the fact that this truly was once in a lifetime chance.

Everyone and everything within Lestrange estate had been subdued since the attack. The House-elves adopting their Master's stances. It was a mere few hours until it was two days since the attack upon their home, their safe place. It left Rodolphus overwrought and unable to sleep. Once he was cleared to of course, with the possibility of concussions he'd been encouraged to remain awake for a certain number of hours.

Unable to remain abed, Rodolphus stood up, grateful he hadn't disturbed his husband's rest. Time then became unknown to him, as he paced back and forth for hours, afront of the fireplace. It was lit, keeping him warm in the chill of the night. The thick black curtains keeping the room cocooned. Normally it was comforting, but right now it was stifling. Drifting over to the window, he looked out into the night. The entire estate and its surroundings were bathed entirely in darkness, with only the stars to guide one on their journey.

Rodolphus inhaled sharply, his breath puffing out, leaving moisture on the window. He wanted to scream, to rage, to find whoever did this and really let loose. To show everyone why you don't mess with the Lestrange's. To re-enact what he had done to the Longbottom's once more. Not even Sirius could keep him calm, although, it didn't help that he was still a little out of it after what happened. It took everything in him to stop himself acting so impulsively. Truthfully, the only reason he wasn't acting was because he did not know who it was. That was perhaps the most vexing thing of all.

Severely agitated and out of sorts, Rodolphus moved back over to the bed and tucked his husband in. Mind made up, he turned and padding out of their bedroom. Hands opening and shutting, the only show of his highly agitated state. He moved silently through the landing to his brother's bedroom. Feeling for sure that his brother was likely in the exact same state as himself.

He didn't bother to knock, he silently opened one of the doors.

His agitation subsided as he stared in shock, Rabastan wasn't alone, Harry was in his bed. Albeit with the puppy between them on his tiny dog bed. Not only that but Rabastan was sound asleep, perhaps having Harry close was the only way to ensure it? "Have you decided on a name yet?" his voice quiet, Rabastan was asleep, it would seem Harry was more like him, and severely disturbed by what happened.

"I'm still undecided between two, Gabriel or Quentin," Harry confessed, absently reaching out to stroke the sleeping puppy. Smitten with the small creature, even if he was somewhat annoyed Rabastan had chosen now to get him. He'd always wanted to wait until he was no longer at Hogwarts to get one.

Rodolphus cocked his head, wondering at Harry's fascination with patron saints. He had named his owl Hedwig after one as well. Naturally, they knew all wizards and witches that became 'Patron Saints' which included Saint Patrick, Saint Andrew, Saint George and Saint David. The muggles could think what they liked, but they were all wizards from prominent wizarding lines and well revered. "Unable to sleep?"

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