Chapter 61

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The Contract

Chapter 61

"Go take them for a drink, something to eator a walk, just give me an hour," Bill said, re-entering the tent, a small vial clutched in his hand. Swallowing thickly, he'd already made the decision to do this, but he was questioning himself again.

Charlie narrowed his gaze on his brothers' fist, "Bill" he muttered, already knowing he wouldn't be able to talk him out of whatever he had planned. He was so headstrong and stubbornthey both were as a matter of fact.

"Please, just let them enjoy what's left of their holiday," Bill sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "That's if anyone even ends up going home." The brand-new tent his mother had bought had already been dismantled, he had a buyer for it. They all fitted into his own tent, there was never any need to buy a new one.

"You going back on your promise to Percy?" Charlie murmured, not blaming him, really. They were going to be skint by the time they were through this. There was no point to Percy going hungry as well as the pair of them when they went back to work. He'd already written to his boss to explain his situation. He'd been given a few weeks off to 'grieve' full pay too, thank Merlin for that.

"I hope not," Bill said grimly, he didn't want to, Merlin, he really didn't want to.

Charlie nodded, "Alright," he sighed, having a feeling he knew exactly what his brother was up to. He realized he was going to take the blame upon his own shoulders and leave them out of it. Charlie wanted to stand by him, but if by that he had to get the twins and Percy out of sight then he'd do it. "I'll bring something back for you and dad."

Charlie honestly wasn't sure whether he wanted to returnbecause knowing was going to beeither horrifying or make them all feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

Not to forget their father's reaction if they were barking up the wrong tree.

He would have all their heads.

At least they would know, after a week of dark horrible thoughts.

Bill went and sat next to his dad's bed once everyone was gone, he'd slept hours, nobody was surprised. He stared down at the vial in his hand, warring with himself on what to do. He would never get the doubts out of his head if he didn't use Veritaserum. At least this way they'd get the truth of it, and he would not be encumbered with doubt that his father was just telling him what he wanted to hear.

On the side of the bed was a picture that had been taken for the Daily Prophet. All of them together, all of them smiling happily at the camera enjoying their holiday. They looked like a perfectly happy normal family.

The last picture ever taken of his little brother, Ron would never grow up or get another picture taken. A pained grimace painted his face, as his eyes filled with tears that he'd been holding back for so long. No, no, he couldn't allow himself to fall apart now. Not yet.

He had something else he had to do, he could break down tonight when he went to bed.

Picking up the cup he poured in the ice cube filled water from the jug, and breathed shakily. Uncorking the vial, he allowed two drops to fall into the cup and immerse with the water. It was tasteless, odourless and colourless. He wouldn't know he'd taken it until he started blurting out the truth.

Giving it a little shake, he breathed out unaware that he'd been holding it. sliding the vial into his pocket, he'd had to pay for it, at a reputable apothecary to ensure he got the real deal. Not that he minded much, for peace of mindit was worth every penny. There were no more than six drops inside it anyway.

He almost jumped out of his skin when his Dad began to move around. He luckily didn't have the contents of the cup all over the tent floor. His muscles uncoiled, when he realized how tense he was.

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