Chapter 51

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The Contract

Chapter 51

After the visit to the prison, they used the Portkey Corvus had to return to Lestrange Manor. From there they Apparated to the Leaky Cauldron, Corvus carefully concealed himself, so that nobody would recognize him. Harry was similarly covered up to prevent anyone knowing he was there. He did not want to be hounded by the British public, or ambushed. They simply handed Tom the reservation letter, and were handed their key, Sirius had the other one and would be soon to join them.

"Your order will be with you in a few minutes," Tom explained cheerfully, giving them a small wave.

"Thank you," Harry said politely, it wouldn't be likely that his voice would be recognized. Hell, before he'd re-joined the magical world, he wouldn't have been recognized. Mostly because they expect him to be his father's double. He did look a little like his father, but more like his grandmother Dorea and the Black side of the family.

With that the two ascended the stairs, making their way for the biggest conference room that the Leaky Cauldron had. It would do well enough to give them privacy on neutral ground.

Corvus kept a close eye on Harry, primarily his body language, since he couldn't actually see Harry himself. Harry always told him the truth so the reality he was probably not that apprehensive. Whether he felt that after Sirius Black said his piecewell, he couldn't say really. He did not believe that this was going to go well at all. Perhaps he should have encouraged Harry to keep Black in the dark. It wasn't as though he had the need to know, well, unless he gained custody of Harry that is.

The documents he'd brought will ensure Sirius Black never gained custody. That's if the wizard signed it, then they'd know whether they had trouble on their hands or not. Harry had made it clear he didn't want to go with Black. Unfortunately, life wasn't about getting what you wanted, especially when it came to those who thought they knew better. Harry wanted to remain with them, so he would do everything in his considerable power to see that it happens.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Corvus asked the moment the door to number 12 was closed behind him. It was usually used for official parties, wizengamot members, the Minister and such so it was much cleaner and nicer than the other rooms, bigger too, in order to accommodate everyone.

"Yes," Harry said immediately, "I don't want to lie, and omitting truth is lying."

"Okay," Corvus agreed, barely sitting down when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Harry murmured, wandering over he opened it and let the tray float in. The Hag remained outside of the room. Giving a nod once the platters were finally deposited on the table. "Thank you," he said kindly, the Hag twitched before nodding again and hurrying away.

Corvus just watched amused, he was too kind by far.

Closing the door, he moved back over, "Iwant to know if he'll be on my side or notis it wrong?" should he be just keeping Sirius in the dark for as long as possible? On his side? Perhaps waiting until Sirius didn't care about anything else but him? No, it wasn't fair, he should get to decide, he didn't want to deceive anyone. It was hard enough keeping how he felt about the Lestrange's contained.

"Even if he is on your side for nowthe plans we havemay make him change his mind." Corvus explained, not wishing for Harry to ever be disappointed. Forewarned was forearmed, he believed wholly in that.

Harry nodded his understanding, it was true enough, they were planning on releasing the Death Eaters from Azkaban after all. Sirius had been an Order member, trying to get them all put behind bars. Maybe even responsible for a few of them being put in Azkaban for all he knew.

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