Crepus chuckled aloud, gently patting his eldest son's head after he had set his paintbrush down. "I have complete faith in (Y/N)'s capabilities, don't you worry. Then, I can't wait to see! Did Kaeya try his on too?"

Ecstatically, Diluc nodded. "I think he looked even better than me! For Kaeya's eighteenth, we have to go all out!"

At that, Crepus burst into laughter. "Of course we will! Just leave it all to me!"

"Master Kaeya?"

Abruptly, Kaeya's shoulders leapt. He span on his feet, hurriedly attempting to wipe away that slightly uneasy look on his face.

"(Y/N)..!" he exclaimed. His face scrunched instantly. His voice had cracked.

"Uh..." (Y/N)'s gaze fell to the clothes hanging upon Kaeya's arm. "Can I have those back?"

"Oh- yeah-"

(Y/N) blinked when he pushed them into her hands.

It had been a few days since their... intimate encounter.

It was hard for (Y/N) to admit that since then, all she could feel was... his touch.

The way it made her feel, the gentleness of it all, and his sweet, soft breathing brushing against her neck...

He was like a magnet, tugging her in the closer she came.

She needed to get away, quick. She needed to just take the clothes, say thanks, and then go.

But, alas... they had locked eyes for one second too long.

(Y/N) stepped back. Though, unexpectedly, Kaeya reached forward. Then, they both stood still.

"(Y/N)," Kaeya mumbled, averting his gaze. "Can I ask you something?"

(Y/N)'s mouth fell agape for a few moments.

For once... he looks... pretty troubled...

"Um..." She sighed. "Sure."

Immediately, a smile of relief spread across Kaeya's face. He didn't expect her to say yes so quickly.


(Y/N) watched as he sucked in a large breath. Strange... He never usually seemed hesitant to do or say anything...

"Let's say... someone had a big secret."

One of (Y/N)'s eyebrows raised.

"Like," Kaeya began to gesture with his hands, "a really big secret. And they've kept that secret to themselves for their entire life basically. But- but now, this secret is really weighing down on them a lot more. What should they do?"

(Y/N) folded her arms. Her head cocked to the side. "Tell someone they trust? That seems pretty reasonable." Her tone had fallen blunt.

"But-" Kaeya heaved a sigh, "it's a really big secret. And a really bad one. And if they tell someone..." ever-so-slightly, Kaeya glanced at (Y/N), "they're scared of losing them..."

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