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• third person •

"(Y/N)..? Are you in there..? I wish you would have breakfast with us today..."

Luca knocked on her door again. Today, he got up much earlier than usual, in hopes that he could catch her before she left.

"I'm sorry about the cake... You can tell me what upset you about it, you know... I wish you would talk to me..."

Luca sighed. "(Y/N)..?"

His hand rested on the door handle. And then, he twisted it, pushing the door open.

He heaved a heavy breath.

She's gone.

His eyes narrow, Luca glanced around the room. He sighed, walking in, picking up the jewellery boxes from the floor, placing them upon the table. He stared into them in silence.

I've noticed you wearing your mother's jewellery recently...

It makes you look like her more and more by the day.

Luca pursed his lips, shutting the boxes, locking them with a click.

I wonder what she would do to help you right now...

I wonder if... she would understand what exactly you're feeling...

Sucking in another deep breath, Luca turned, about to leave the room again.

However, his feet halted almost immediately upon noticing something.

Her maid uniform was on her bed.

The spare uniform. The uniform Luca said he would wash was still downstairs.

His eyebrows furrowed.

She's not at work..?

Luca rushed downstairs. He began to search the living room, and the kitchen, all around for at least a note she might have left to tell him where she was.

Of course, upon hearing the racket, Lucien soon began to awaken too.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She could hear Luca rummaging through things in the kitchen.

"Luca..?" she called. "Why are you up so early..?"

"I don't know where (Y/N) is!" he exclaimed.

Lucien hurriedly got off the sofa, walking over to the kitchen. Luca grabbed his keys, preparing to leave.

"Hey..." Lucien held his arm, stopping him. Luca frowned. "She's probably at the winery."

"She didn't take her uniform," Luca stated, shaking his head.

"Her friends are there too, you know. Listen, I need to speak to you..."

Luca shrugged her hands off. "Can't it wait, Lucien? I need to find her." His breath shook. "Uncle's minions could appear at any moment. What if they take her while I'm completely unaware?"

"They wouldn't have found her so quickly. Please just listen. I think I know why (Y/N)'s acting the way she is."

Finally, Luca stood still. He frowned, waiting for her to explain.

"First of all, the cake..." Lucien's head fell. "We didn't put Ilse on the cake."

Luca's sharp gaze instantly faltered. His mouth opened, but it quickly closed again.

"And why she's angry at you..." Lucien shook her head. "I don't think she's only angry at you... I think she's angry at all of us..."

"But... (Y/N)'s... not like that," Luca murmured. His pupils wandered. Did he really not know his daughter as well as he thought..?

maid • kaeyaWhere stories live. Discover now