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• third person •

It was late at night when (Y/N) finally found the courage to be able to go home.

Although she knew that that was the reason her father had originally shouted at her, she couldn't help but wonder what exactly had made him suddenly so protective. He never used to mind her being out, and he hadn't even been here for two whole weeks where she could've been doing anything.

(Y/N) sighed, attempting to open the door as quietly as she could.

She peeked in. The lights were off, but there seemed to be voices upstairs.

Her eyes fluttered shut in relief. Everyone was upstairs.

Hurriedly, she stepped in, carefully locking the door behind her.

Though, of course, the moment she had turned again, it was over.

Unfortunately, her father had very precise hearing.

She swallowed, her feet all of a sudden frozen as her father came down the stairs.

"(Y/N)," he called.

(Y/N) blinked when her father rushed up to her, and then, suddenly, he tugged her into his tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice shaky. "I am so sorry."

"I swore to myself that I'd never shout at you again. I cannot forgive myself for this-"

"It's okay Dad," (Y/N) mumbled. "I-it's normal for parents to shout sometimes."

Luca shook his head. "I hate shouting at you," he spoke weakly. "I hate it when you look scared of me."

(Y/N) averted her gaze. "I'm not scared of you... It's okay. It was justified..."

Gradually, Luca released her, cupping his daughter's face in his hand. "Are you tired? Have you eaten? Would you like to do anything?"


"You know," Luca's gaze softened, pressing a small kiss upon her forehead, "you look more and more like your mother everyday."

(Y/N)'s pupils fell, her face reddening in embarrassment for a short moment.

Her shoulders jumped when Luca abruptly grabbed her hand, pulling her into the living room, lit up with the gentle shine of the moon.

"Look! I went shopping today, and bought these cute cupcakes. Would you like one?"

(Y/N)'s head tilted in confusion. Her father picked up a cupcake upon the table, with little fondant cat ears and a cute little face.

"This one reminds me of you, hehe. When you were little and had just discovered cats, you would hide under the blanket and start meowing just like a little kitty! Just to try and trick us that a cat had snuck in!" Luca burst into giggles. "So silly."

"Dad?" (Y/N) interrupted him.

Luca blinked.

"What's wrong?" she questioned quietly. "You're acting a little weird..."

She scanned around. "Where's Auntie? And Mr Leon? Did you leave them upstairs? They should have some cakes too."

Luca stared at her in silence for a few moments.

"They're just- getting ready for bed. Don't worry: they'll have some cakes too. I just want you to have the first pick," he replied innocently.

"Oh..." (Y/N) took a glance at the cupcakes laid out on the table. "I'll just have that one." She gestured at the cat one in her father's hand.

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