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• three years later •

• ???'s pov •

I'm pretty sure this is the house... Mm... it looks a lot different... I really can't tell, but my gut tells me it was this one.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the door, my hand trembling just at the touch.

My breath hitched when a slither of light peeked through immediately.

An unfamiliar older woman stood at the door, tilting her head.

"Hello..?" she questioned. "Do I know you?"

"Ah, umm..." I cleared my throat. "I don't think so; uh... I'm sorry, does a man named Luca (L/N) live here?"

"Luca (L/N)?"

Another woman suddenly appeared by the door, considerably younger. "Oh, the handsome kinda shady guy? I see him sometimes at the winery!" she exclaimed. "He's so dreamy."


The older woman suddenly smacked the younger's arm. "Isn't that man married with a daughter? Have some shame!" She shook her head. "Sorry, he doesn't live here."

The younger one whined, folding her arms. "He's been single for years now. If I struck up the courage next time he's in Mond..."

My eyes narrowed.

"He's single?" I questioned. "For years? What do you mean?"

"Oh, because. Well," the woman's gaze fell, "his wife died. He's widowed."

I froze.


My hand slapped over my mouth.

Sh...she's dead..?

For... For years..?

"Uh- Why- why are you crying? Did you know her or something? You look like you're quite the fancy one to have known her."

I hadn't even realised when tears began to trickle down my face. Harsh breaths escaped me, the older woman gently patting my arm though I could hear the bewilderment in her tone.

Rapidly, I wiped my tears, sniffling. "Sorry," I whispered. Suddenly, my heart felt so heavy. I didn't even know... "Do you know where I can find Luca (L/N)?"

The two woman stared at me pitifully. I brushed off their looks, still wiping away my tears with my sleeves.

"I don't think he's in Mondstadt right now," the younger one mentioned. "I think he went on a short business trip. You sure you're okay..?"

I nodded. "Oh... Do you know when he'll be back?"

Much to my dismay, she shook her head. "Nope. You could ask Master Crepus, if you want."

The older woman folded her arms. "No, I don't think Master Crepus is here either. I saw him leaving this morning."

Oh no...

"Ooh, what about his daughter! You could ask his daughter," the younger suggested. "She might know."

My fingers trembled. His daughter...

I've always wanted to meet her... but...

Just how old is she now..?

I'm terrified...

"Where can I find... his daughter?"

She tapped her chin. "I think they live in Springvale. When he went on a business trip last time, she stayed at the winery, but this time she's just stayed at home."

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