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• third person •

"Are you really sure you aren't... going to replace her, Master..?"

"I don't see the need. She's on sick leave, that's all."

Master Crepus sat at the table, his forehead in hand as he sorted through a few papers.

"But Sir... you know she's..."

"Not another word," Crepus ordered.

The butler fell silent. Crepus handed him a few sheets of papers. "That should handle Diluc's application for the Knights. His exam is tomorrow morning, yet both him and Kaeya still haven't made up..."

Sighing, Crepus shook his head. "Regardless, I should pay a visit to Ilse." He stood, tightening his ponytail with a frown. "It's been a long time since I last visited personally, and her paycheque is due."

The butler watched with a frown as his master packed a few things in a small bag, before patting his shoulder with a gentle smile. "I leave the winery to you, Elzer. Ask Adelinde to have another go for me, will you?"

"Y-yes, Sir."

Crepus ruffled his silver hair with a grin. "Thanks."

Elzer watched in silence as the winery master left, exhaling softly, before turning to find Adelinde.

From what Elzer knew, the two brothers hadn't talked for the past two days. Kaeya these days was spending more time training outside or in the Knights' Headquarters, while Diluc spent more time training at home, or studying each and every rule of the Knights.

Right now, Kaeya was in his room, while Diluc was in the training room, training with Jean. Jean was aware that they had had a fight, but neither of them were willing to tell her what the fight was about, nor willing to allow her to help them make up. As stubborn as ever, those two were.

"Ah, Adelinde." Elzer's shoulders loosened in relief. The young maid glanced behind her, blinking. "Master Crepus..."

Adelinde rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "Told me to try and make them two make up again, huh," she finished. An apologetic smile rose upon Elzer's lips. "I'll see what I can do."

"Try your best."

"Yeah, yeah."

In the training room, continuous clashes of metal swords echoed against the walls.

A drop of sweat trickled down Jean's face, her breath heavy as she blocked yet another attack, only to be met with another. She leapt out of the way.

Diluc sprinted up to her, slashing once again, dodging each and every attack, their swords clanging once more. His crimson irises glowered upon her with an unfamiliar scarlet.

Diluc gasped when Jean suddenly knocked his sword out of his hand. In his distraction, Jean grabbed him, pushing him against the wall, trapping him with her sword, her eyes narrowing. Diluc blinked in surprise, suddenly snapping back to reality.

"Ow," he whispered. Jean's grip didn't loosen.

"Knights need to know how to control their temper," Jean spoke below her breath.

Diluc's strong stature faltered. His gaze fell apologetic as she glared at him, her lips forming a cute pout.

"You can't be like this for the exams. You need to make up with Kaeya."

Sighing, Diluc escaped Jean's hold, plopping his butt on the floor. Jean sat before him with a frown.

"You're right..." he whispered. "I just..."

maid • kaeyaWhere stories live. Discover now