V10.5: Chapter 10 - On My Side

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Horikita Suzune POV

I arrived at our meeting place, a café which opened at ten o'clock in the morning on weekdays, but during long holiday periods, opened earlier at nine. As I pushed open the glass door, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries greeted me.

I could see Kushida waiting for me by the entrance to the café. It was still ten minutes until we were scheduled to meet. It seemed she had arrived quite early, then.

"She might have as few plans for the spring break as I do," I mused, a flicker of something akin to amusement playing at the corners of my lips.

I strode towards her, my steps measured. The cafe was still relatively empty, allowing for a modicum of privacy for our conversation.

Her smile faltered the moment our eyes met. Her face shot up in surprise.

"Horikita-san?" she stammered, her voice betraying a flicker of genuine astonishment. "You... you look different."

There it was. The confirmation of what I'd suspected – my hair. Gone was the long hair. In its place, a short, neatly trimmed style framed my face in a way I wasn't entirely accustomed to yet.

"Different?" I echoed, raising an eyebrow. "How so?"

Kushida-san seemed flustered. "Y-your hair," she stammered. "It's... shorter."

A small, involuntary smile played on my lips. It wasn't a victory smirk, nor was it amusement. It was simply the unexpected satisfaction of catching Kushida-sa, off guard, if only for a moment. "Indeed," I confirmed, my voice neutral. "A change for the new school year, you could say." We ordered our coffees at the counter. Once we had them, I gestured towards a table. "But please, we have much to discuss."

"It seems you already understand what we're talking about today, too," I said.

Kushida-san showed a wry smile. "Why, Horikita-san, what other reason could there be for us to meet?"

Like me, Kushida-san knew that the two of us had nothing else to discuss but this matter.

"True enough," I conceded. "So, you will allow me to be blunt: I want you to refuse Karma-kun's offer and reintegrate the class."

A sigh escaped her lips, the mask slipping slightly. "Easier said than done, wouldn't you agree? Class D... well, let's just say I'm not exactly everyone's favourite person."

I couldn't deny that. Kushida-san's manipulative actions had left a bitter taste in the mouths of many in our class. However, I couldn't afford to let personal feelings cloud my judgement.

"Past mistakes can be rectified," I pressed on. "You have undeniable talent, Kushida-san."

She snorted, a hint of defiance creeping into her voice. "I assume Ayanokouji-kun told you about Karma-kun's offer, that's how you know about it... why shouldn't I just accept it?"

"It'll take a while for Karma-kun to gather the twenty million private points," I said. "You could use that time to contribute to the class... who knows? Maybe people will start seeing you in a different light."

"Hardly." She commented with a shrug. "Besides, why should I not accept? A fresh start. A chance to be around people who... appreciate me."

The unspoken barb stung, but I refused to be drawn into a childish argument. "Think carefully, Kushida-san," I advised, my tone clipped. "Karma-kun's motives are rarely pure. Joining Class C would only benefit him, not you or your future."

"As if you'd care about me or my future. You just admitted you only want me for my competence."

"Karma-kun is no different."

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