V7: Chapter 7 - Red Herring

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

Chabashira-sensei lectured us about important things to remember during the upcoming summer vacation.

"Parts of the school will undergo renovations, so those areas will be off-limits. Also, because of the closing ceremony all clubs will take the day off. Be sure to head back as soon as you can."

For some reason, our teacher gazed soundlessly around the classroom after she was done speaking. We waited but she showed no sign of dismissing us.

"This isn't news to you, but your promotion to Class C is almost guaranteed. Well done."

"W-wow. We're gonna get used to it if you keep praising us, Chabashira-sensei." Ike laughed light-heartedly and was accompanied by a good number of my classmates. I was sure the rest of the class was equally amazed.

"I'll praise you as long as you deserve it. However, don't get sloppy. If you get in trouble over the break, it might affect your class points. Don't forget, even during the holidays, you represent this school." With that, Chabashira-sensei dismissed us, bringing the second semester to a close.

Today was the day of the closing ceremony—the final day of the second semester. Our classes finished early, leaving us free the afternoon. There were no club activities today, either. The school encouraged students to head back early, so hardly anyone would be left in the building.

In other words, it was time for Nao and Karma to move their pieces.

Even though it'd only been a few minutes since dismissal, more than half the class had left. The clock on the wall seemed as if it was ticking slower than normal. Chabashira-sensei remained on her desk looking over some papers. After saying something to her friends, Kei walked out of the classroom, Yousuke also refused to accompany the girls as he pointed at me probably stating that we had plans which wasn't that far from the truth. I had said something similar to Haruka and the others during our walk to the school in the morning. Thus, they had already left without asking me to go with them.

I approached Yousuke once the girls had left, he faced me with a worried expression on his face.

"Should we go, Kiyotaka-kun?" he queried instantly, his voice betraying his concern. "Kei already left."

"Yeah, just wait a minute," I said. "I'd like to talk with Chabashira-sensei first," I finished gesturing towards Chabashira-sensei.

Yousuke accepted this despite his relentlessness being pretty obvious. If I wasn't restraining him, he would probably dash over to wherever Kei had gone, which would cause him to search all over the school since I hadn't told him where Manabe had called Kei.

Once everyone left the classroom, Chabashira-sensei stood up and began pulling the curtains.

"You said you have something to discuss. What do you want with me?" she asked.

I gave a quick glance towards the door before speaking. It wouldn't do any harm...

"Kei was horribly bullied in the past."

Chabashira-sensei frowned.

"It's the first time I hear that. Did she tell you that herself?"

"The information will probably be all over the school tomorrow. When that happens, Kei will retreat into her shell, and maybe even voluntarily drop out of school."

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