SS23: Akabane Karma - Beyond the Campus

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I won.

I won.

I won.

I tried to convince myself of that fact.

Because it was a fact.

I did win.

Asahina was expelled, then saved by Nagumo.

My main goal had been accomplished.

... just.

The cost had been way too expensive.

Ichinose was expelled; to save her, the class decided to spend 20 million private points and 300 class points.

Because of this, we would fall to Class D next month. A month that started in a few days.

This meant, I needed to modify my approach and make new plans.

Thanks to Kiyotaka, I would be able to maintain my position as treasurer.

...although it was because of him in that that position was threatened in the first place. He was the one who prevented me from saving Tachibana, after all.

In any case, what mattered was that I was still able to benefit from the privileges of my position.

"I don't like that face."

I gazed at Yuki who was looking at me with a grimace.

A smiled formed on my faced. Since I kept her close, she knew me well enough to see when I was starting to ponder how to face the next challenges.

"Well, it's the one I got."

She blew. "I still don't like it."

"Come on, Yuki," I complained playfully. "Can't you compliment me from time to time? It won't hurt you. I compliment you"

"I rather not nourish your ego, thank you very much," she affirmed, crossing her arms. I simply laughed.

The elevator doors opened, and we walked out onto the hallway. Yuki and I were dinning together in my room on a movie Friday as she called them when Matsuo called us, inviting us over to his room so we could watch the fight with some classmates.

At first, I thought some classmates were fighting or were going to fight. Then, Matsuo explained that there was a professional boxing fight that was going to be broadcasted in TV. Apparently, it had been announced in late December and it was going to take place in one of the main theatres in Japan as it was between the world champion and a Japanese boxer.

Thinking about it, I did remember the TV talking about something to that effect before the winter break.

I didn't really care about the fight, though.

I only accepted to come for two reasons: the first one, Yuki does want to see the fight; the second one, it was a good opportunity for me to work in my relationship with my classmates.

Classes aside, I spent little to no time with them. I would only meet them to talk about something related to class affairs. I preferred to spend my time planning, working, and making friends with the upperclassman to work on my network and widen my scope. Something that had proven quite useful for things like the Sports Festival.

We promptly arrived before Matsuo's door. After knocking, he opened and let us in with a warm welcome.

Inside were Beppu, Hamaguchi, Mako, Sayo, Minamikata and Shibata. Boxes of pizza and sodas laid on the table as Mako and Sayo distributed everything. With nine people here, there was barely any space at all.

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