V1: Chapter 4 - Class B

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Matsuo Eiichiro POV

For third period, we had history class with Hoshinomiya-sensei.

When the bell rang, Hoshinomiya-sensei walked into the classroom, all of us waiting for her to begin with the lesson.

"You're all here? Good, good. Today's lesson will be a little different."

She looked at us as if expecting a question.

"Why is that sensei?" I asked. She giggled looking at me. Maybe she knew that I was going to be the one asking the question.

"Well, the answer is easy, Matsuo-kun. You see, since it's the end of the month, there'll be a short test."

She took out papers from her bag gave some to each one of the students on the front row. When it reached my desk, I scanned through it. It contained questions in the five main subjects. There were four questions per subject for a total of twenty, so it really was short.

"Ah... Chie-sensei? Is this some kind of surprise exam?"

"Oh, no, not at all Mako-chan. The school does this for future reference only. It won't have any effect on your report cards. In other words, there's no risk whatsoever. Naturally, cheating during a test is prohibited, so please don't do it!"

How cheerful. At least her hangover was a slight one this time. Wait. Thinking about it... How could this be for future reference? How will the tests be used?

I was going to speak out my concerns but what sensei said shot me down.

"Well, no more questions. Please, answer your tests now."

I examined the test again and was struck by the simplicity of the quiz. Each question was worth five points, no matter the difficulty.

While I answered the questions, I kept asking myself how could this be used as a future reference when the questions were middle-school level? It was easier than the entrance examination.

The final three questions immediately answered mine.

Those three questions were on a level of their own, especially when compared to what was taught to a first-year high schooler.

I managed to answer the beginning of one question before getting completely lost. I had no idea on how to answer this. As I was trying to decrypt the first question the noise of a chair made me rise my head. I saw Karma-kun stand up and walk towards sensei.

"Here's my test. Probably got 'em all right." He said and then left the classroom.

"Uh?" Sensei's face was one of extreme confusion for a moment. Then she realized what had happened and left the classroom shouting. "Waait! Karma-kun! You're not allowed to leave the classroom!"

More than a scolding it sounded like a plead, but I'm guessing that's just what it was. Sensei returned to the classroom and sat back at her desk after that failure attempt to make Karma-kun come back.

By now, we were all used to his antics and I'm sure everyone was happy with having Karma-kun as a classmate.

Through the course of these three weeks the class had become really united, and we were all pretty close to each other. To the point that almost everyone called each other by their first name.

Ichinose-san had been chosen as the class rep and was accepted into the student council thanks to Karma-kun who had also joined.

Shinobu-san had also a prominent role in class, sadly she had barely anytime to hang out with us since she joined the fencing club. Apparently the senpai's in the club were quite strict and wanted to do well in the nationals this summer.

The last one of the pillars of our class was Ryuji-kun, he is very diligent and helpful to his classmates, although is common to see him taking notes about almost everything since he joined the school journal.

I, personally, got along with everyone although Ryota-kun was the one I got along the most in my class. Ayanokouji-kun was also a good friend of mine since Karma-kun introduced us at the club fair. I wanted to enter the student council as well, but when I saw how difficult was for Ichinose-san to get in, I dismissed the idea and joined the archery club instead, at the beginning I thought the senpais were really lenient, but I won't complain since I can spend more time with my friends.

Having no idea about what to do with the last questions I just left them unanswered and waited until the bell rang.

Later, when we tried calling out sensei, we noticed that she had fallen asleep on her desk. Some of my classmates approached her to try to wake her up.

A small smile formed in my lips. After all, this was just another day in class B.

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