SS32: Hashimoto Masayoshi - Taekwondo

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Adrenaline surged through my veins as I faced Mio across the sparring mat. Our eyes locked, a silent exchange of challenge and determination passing between us. The gym was filled with a hushed anticipation as we started our rematch. The first fight had been thrilling and fun and I managed to snatch the victory even though I wasn't an expert in Taekwondo like Mio was. Now, we were tied and the next point would have the win.

Mio stood poised and confident. Her taunts, though laced with sarcasm, only served to fuel my competitive spirit.

"You're looking slow today, Yoshi,' she quipped, her voice dripping with disdain. 'I bet even a toddler could beat you."

My lips curled into a sneer, my competitive fire burning brighter. "Keep talking, Mio," I growled, my voice low. "You already lost once."

With a burst of speed, I surged forward, unleashing a flurry of kicks and punches. Mio swayed and dodged, her movements a blur of motion that left me momentarily baffled. A sudden sharp pain jolted through my stomach as Mio landed a lightning-fast kick. I stumbled back, my face contorting in surprise and pain.

"Not bad," I admitted, rubbing my bruised abdomen. "But you're still not good enough."

I charged forward again, determined to get this victory and secure the event for Class A. Mio met my attack head-on, our kicks and punches clashing in a whirlwind.

The sparring match was a relentless dance of offense and defence, and soon enough, I started to struggle. Now that this was our second fight, she was reading my movements much better, and her mastery of Taekwondo showed. I was confident that, if there were no rules, like in a street fight, I would be able to win again, but right now, I was just struggling to match her pace.

After what seemed like an eternity, she found an opening, a fleeting moment where I was momentarily off-balance in the face of her relentless assault. With a swift kick, she connected with my chin, sending me stumbling backward.

The ref stopped the fight, it was the final point, and it was hers.

"Game over," she declared, raising her arms in victory.

I chuckled as I stood up and bowed to her as per protocol.

"Not bad, Mio."

She nodded. "You're not bad yourself, Yoshi."

"Oh, and next time We go out with Haruka and the others, come, the guys miss you," I told her as we stepped off the mat. She tried to hide it, but the smile on her face was evident.

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