V7: Chapter 2 - Sat Up Very Late

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Horikita Suzune POV

When lunch arrived on Monday, I walked out of the classroom and headed towards the library.

Chiaki and Ayanokouji-kun invited me to have lunch with them but I told them I would meet them at the cafeteria later. I had to return the book that was on my hands to the library today so it could go to the next person in the waiting list. If not, it would be overdue. I could go after classes, but it was better to get that done.

The book I had to return was Farewell, My Lovely, a masterpiece by Raymond Chandler. Obviously, I had read it, but it was one of those books that were worth returning to. Strangely, the book was popular among students, so it was rarely available at the library.

The library was surprisingly empty at lunch, like a cosy little hideaway. Students weren't allowed to eat in here, so only a few people were around, guaranteeing that the return process would go smoothly. Except for the fact that there was already someone on the service desk. A girl with silver hair and black ribbons. I managed to identify her as Shiina Hiyori from Class C. I believe she was one of Ayanokouji-kun's friends.

Once she was done, I approached the desk. Greeting the secretary, I handed her the book stating that I'd like to return it. As soon as the secretary saw the title, she called Shiina-san's name before she could go too far.

Shiina-san returned looking confused. Although, her eyes started to spark the moment she saw the book. Apparently, Shiina-san was the next one on the list to borrow Farewell, My Lovely.

"That's wonderful!" she exclaimed handing her ID to the secretary so she could take out the book. "Thank you so much, Horikita-san," she smiled in my direction.

"It's nothing, Shiina-san," I dismissed her thanks. "Today was my last day to return it so I just wanted to be done with it."

"Even so, Horikita-san," Shiina-san insisted. "I've been wanting to reread it for a while. However, it seems as though Raymond Chandler's quite popular among the second-year students."

So, it was the second-year students who usually borrowed it.

"Here it is, Shiina-san," the secretary handed her the book and the ID.

"Thank you, Itoigawa-san," Shiina-san smiled gently.

"In any case, you were quite lucky that I came here just as you were leaving," I declared as we walked towards the exit.

Shiina-san giggled covering her mouth with her hand while clutching the two books she had borrowed. I couldn't see what the other book was.

"Well, coincidences can be freaky."

I frowned hearing her words. I was certain I had heard them before.

"And what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I was going to join Kiyotaka-kun and the others at the cafeteria," she answered. "Would you like to come, Horikita-san? I've been meaning to spend more time with you."


She nodded happily.

"You like reading, don't you?" she asked. Somehow, I got the feeling that she was getting more excited by the second. "I thought maybe I could give you some recommendations. Or you could recommend me some books. I always love to learn about new books and authors – although my reading list is quite large at this point," she mumbled to herself before turning to me once again. "Kiyotaka-kun and I usually hang out here in the library to read new books. You could join us anytime—Uh... forgive me, I started rambling and... Am I bothering you?"

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