V5: Chapter 3 - Preparing the Festival

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

Starting from our next homeroom period, we'd be practising independently to prepare for the sports festival. During Class D's free period, we changed into gym clothes and made our way to the athletic grounds.

"Whoa, check it out," Ike exclaimed, wearing an unpleasant expression, he stared at the main school building.

Several students were watching us through the windows of their classroom.

"Hey, they're from Class B, right? Guess they're already spying," mused Ike.

If we wanted to train in such a conspicuous place, it was only natural that we'd be watched. Even if we held back, so the others wouldn't see our true skill, that would only hamper our practice and hurt us in the end.

"They started right away," Horikita stated noticing the curious stares.

I found it curious that none of Class A nor Class C students were looking at us. Yet, there were some upperclassmen here and there. I couldn't be sure, but I suspected they were upperclassmen from third year.

"Did you advance on your plans, Horikita?" I inquired.

"Hmm. Why this sudden interest, Ayanokouji-kun? I thought you wouldn't do anything."

"I won't. I'm just curious about your progress."

"I see. Well, everything is going perfect... Too perfect even."

"Why do you think that?"

I was curious to know her reasoning.

She gave me a brief glance before turning towards the students who were throwing themselves into practice.

"I suspect Sakayanagi-san to know something about what Ryuuen-kun plans—"

"You think they're still allies?"

She shook her head.

"No. I just believe Sakayanagi-san understands what Ryuuen-kun wants to do. The other day, during our meeting she presented me several contracts for our alliance, they all looked too perfect and each time I wanted to add a clause or delete one, she would just pull out another contract."

"Are you saying she predicted your demands?"

Horikita nodded.

"And you don't think it would be best to just leave it at that? It's a good contract, after all," I commented.

"I can't just leave it at this, Ayanokouji-kun. There's a piece of the puzzle I'm missing, and I intend to find it."

"Aren't you tempting fate? Everything's going perfect, as you said."

"Tempting fate? Don't be ridiculous. I cannot protect the class if I ignore everything that happens around me. It's painfully clear that Sakayanagi-san has some ulterior motive to our alliance and Ryuuen-kun's up to something. I cannot just sit around and watch."

I didn't think Sakayanagi had any ulterior motive. To me it appeared like she had no interest at all in the sports festival, she had just taken part in the negotiations with Class D and left the rest of the preparations to Nishikawa and Katsuragi. Nao was something else, though. As for Ryuuen, it was pointless for us to worry about him. But Horikita didn't know that. She was focusing too much on what the others were planning...

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