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Branch's POV:

It's been a whole week since the big fight. Me and Poppy have been working on fixing and rebuilding troll town. Of course we had tons of help from the others and I was thankful. Nowadays I was happy to let people help me.

I walked past my mirror and took a glance at myself. I no longer felt disgusted by the sight of my body. In fact I was learning to love everything about my appearance.

The scars did grow into big keloids but that didn't matter. They were still beautiful to me and my girlfriend who constantly reminded me how much she loved me.

I put aside all my bad habits like starving myself or even smoking. It was a un healthy way to cope and a terrible thing in general.

So much as I know for Asher and Calla is that they are living together somewhere private in the forest. The two wanted to leave troll town alone for all the harm they caused.

I had planted a small blue flower outside my bunker in representation of Tyco. He was at peace now, he was happy.

Me and my brothers also have quite the strong relationship. We still hang out every two weeks and I can say it's a blast.

"Branch!" Someone called behind me

It was Poppy, she was pretty dirty. Of course she would be covered in mud and other construction debris because all the hard word we've been doing. I instantly ran up to her and gave her a big kiss.

"Morning sweetheart." I smiled

"How have you been?" Poppy questioned

"Better..." I smiled bigger

The whole past incidents were pretty much shrugged off. I felt better to just not talk about it at all. Sometimes I wondered if it could have ended another way.

I finally slept easy at night as-well. All thought I always felt like I was being watched. Nevertheless it was probably all my imagination.

I underestimated how good sleep would be, resting peacefully was like a gift. My heart couldn't take the happiness.

I also felt less anxious nowadays, I had everything I could have dreamed of. Well that was just... it was all just better now...

Veneers pov:

whatever happened a week ago changed everything. All that pink goo stuff was gone. It completely saved me and my sister's life.

Velvet had been healing from her injuries but now we share the same cell. It was so nice to finally be close to my sister again.

Floyd came in the other day and explained everything which made a lot more sense. Apparently he regained most of his talent and confidence, which was too strong to take away.

Velvet was obviously still pretty pissed about staying in jail after all the suffering but we still had charges to serve.

Dante's Pov:

This place reeked of death. I almost died that day, atleast that's what those naive trolls thought.

Nowadays I'm more sneaky. I won't be caught again. I've been staying hidden inside troll town just watching. Apparently my great evil plan was thrown to the side.

Nobody cared about me anymore. I was completely forgotten. What didn't help was my traitor of minions who switched up on me last second.

Yeah that's right, I was there for the great battle. Asher was strong but she wasn't smart. I was both brains and bronze. It helped a lot when you're a master mind of a villain.

I had plans for the future. Ones I can't tell you... but not for this town. Not for branch or his stupid dumb royal family. No...

I was going to take my business far far away. One where these people will never see me again.

At least to these trolls, Great Dante died to his own idiot actions. I felt almost like a legend. But I'm sorry, this is not where it ends for me.

Branch's pov:

I had tons of party's since then. Many and many party's. I felt like my life was the party. Poppy was always so kind when throwing a big bash, making sure everyone was included. I always felt like an introvert but I'm wanting to open up to more people.

Bruce has still been living in vacation island with his wife and kids. Still to this day I don't know what was wrong with the clams. Bruce wouldn't tell us a thing. Maybe that's for the best.

John Dory and Floyd also live inside my bunker. And Rhonda sometimes. John Dory never fixed the giant hole Rhonda made in my bunker roof. Well he tried to, using rusty old metal bars and termite infested wood. The repairs collapsed after a few days.

Don't ask me how Rhonda fits inside. She just does. On the story of pets, we have these spider creatures living around troll town. They are now rather friendly. But there was always something odd about their eyes. Like they kept watching and analysing our every movement.

Besides that they are nice and gentle. I suggested we remove them but Poppy just thought they were the cutest things ever. She hasn't seen what they do when they're hungry...

After the big party I headed back to my bunker. Floyd was fast asleep and John Dory was watching this mindless Tv show on the television.

I went into my room and felt the need to clean it. It still had this depressing vibe to it. After removing rubbish and dirty clothes it felt really nice.

I made my bed and cleaned out all the drawers. I had tons of broken shards of glass still scattered around but it wasn't hard to clean. A good broom and sweep did the perfect job.

After cleaning the entire room only one thing caught my eye. The one thing I just couldn't detach myself from. I still had the same feelings about the object. Some I didn't want to just throw away.

The sharp shiny razor blade covered in dried blood sat in the palm of my hand. So many memories flooded my head.

Sometimes all the happiness just left me dry and empty. But after everything I thought I might just be tired.

It would have been the mature thing to just throw it away but why would I? I guess I still had trauma suck with me. A constant reminder that no matter what, these topics can't just be fixed. Maybe that will be my life though.

I slid it into my back pocket and left it there. Nobody had to know I kept it. I would just be my.... Our little secret.

(Chapter 100!! Thank you all so much for reading this entire thing. Some of the topics mentioned in this story are based off real events I experienced. Again, thanking everyone who supported this story and thanks for all the lovely comments. Each chapter was over 1000 words which means you basically read 100,000 words. I feel like this story covers tons of mental issues people experience in life and even after everything is 'okay' the memories will never leave you. It's okay to still feel sad about the past, but never let that ruin the future. Lots of love by me. Goodbye <3 )

~~~~~~~ The end. ~~~~~~~

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora