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Branch's pov:

I woke up after a long night of laughing with my brothers, and this time I actually didn't almost die. Which is more common then you think. I lifted myself out of bed taking in the peaceful morning, I breathed in softly as the day seemed silent, just how I liked it. Then I'm a flash of light a huge lightening bolt struck making me fall out of bed. I sat up and gasped hard, a huge storm hit troll town. I looked down at my phone and it was poppy texting me! 'Branch! Huge storm hit troll town, stay safe, love you'  I read this message a little shocked, we hadn't had a storm in ages. I texted poppy a sweet 'I love you too' back.

I walked out my room to the sound of yelling, John Dory had brought Rhonda inside! Again...

"Woah woah Rhonda calm down!" John Dory comforted Rhonda

Rhonda was jumping and shaking violently, Rhonda slid herself under the rug and hid under the Mat.

"What wrong with Rhonda?" I questioned.

"She's afraid of storms" John Dory explained.

I heard the bunker door slam open and closed loudly, the elevator went down slowly and it was Floyd. His hair was messed up with twigs and sticks through it, Floyd was also dripping wet.

"I got caught in the storm, it's so bad it's hailing." Floyd shook out his hair.

I heard the whole bunker shake, the walls crumbled and Rhonda just started freaking out more. Then the power shut off, we were all in pitch black. I turned my phone on for some light but no signal, also the battery was almost dead. The bunker latch shot open, I ran over and tried to hold the door closed, the heavy winds were blowing tight against the door making it hard to hold closed. Floyd ran behind me and held the door closed with me, since it was dark we kept poking each other in the eyes or face. Finally we got the door locked, me and Floyd slumped back to the couch and laid down. Rhonda was still freaking out.

"John Dory calm Rhonda down!" Floyd yelled in a nice way?

"I cant! She's freaked." John Dory explained petting Rhonda.

Rhonda was so scared she passed out, it was pretty sad how worked up Rhonda got. But at least she was calm.

"We might be locked up for a while..." John Dory laughed

I looked over, the floor was soaked. Like flooding soaked. I glared at the massive hole in the side of my bunker where Rhonda previously broke in. John Dory promised to fix it! I pushed a book shelf in front of the hole and it worked! My stomach growled loudly, I hadn't eaten in two whole days. I felt weak, but all I could think of is food.

"Grab yourself a snack bro, you stomach is so loud!" Floyd giggled.

"You still owe me cash for that hole John Dory." I pointed aggressively at John Dory.

I was quite hungry, painfully hungry. My stomach growled at the sight of my empty cupboard. I grabbed one of the only things left, a pack of chips. I checked the label on the back, it was 45g bag, with 246 calories!? That was insane for such a tiny bag. Maybe I'm being delusional, I never used to check food labels. I sadly put down the bag and slid it away from me. We hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while, I never had to go shopping until John Dory ate all the food! He could Maintain his body weight all while eating whatever he wanted. Lucky bastard.

"We're out of food." I coughed.

"Figured so, I'll go shopping after the storm." Floyd offered

I sat back on the couch and rubbed my head, I literally couldn't see anything.

"I think I have some strawberry's in the fridge, eat those!" John Dory offered me.

I got back up and went to the fridge, I was expecting a light to turn on but no. Oh shit! If the power was out so would the fridge. I grabbed the strawberries, the awful stench flew straight into my nose. I dropped the strawberries on the floor and kicked them in the trash.

"They went bad, since the fridge is out of power" I coughed due to the horrible stench.

John Dory stood up and made his way over to me, John Dory ran directly into me since of course, he couldn't see either. John Dory fell directly ontop of me. He was heavy as hell.

"Get off man!" I groaned.

John Dory rolled off me gripping his knee, he sounded like he was in pain.

"You alright?" I put my hand on his back.

"I'm old branch, body isn't as flexible as it used to be" John Dory groaned in pain.

I helped John Dory up and he gave me a hug, he had gotten so affectionate since we got back together. Floyd was probably clueless right now, not seeing anything that's happening.
John Dory stopped hugging me and backed up tripping over his own feet and falling back. Dumbass.

I heard some clicking and Rustling from the ground, soon every wall was lit up, John dory's pulled his lighter out and turned it on for some light. Floyd walked up to us and lifted John Dory off the floor.

"Careful with that, don't burn my bunker down." I growled

"I will bro, chill" John Dory laughed

Me and my brothers were so close, because the lighter also warmed us up. The bunker was freezing, my skin chilled at the thought of it. I could see John Dory looking at my face examining it. It made me feel a little uncomfortable I just let out a awkward laugh.

"You've got pretty dark eye bags, and lots of lines on your face? Why?" John Dory questioned

"I cry a lot." I awkwardly laughed, why did I confess that.

"We'll I'm glad your all better now" John Dory tried to pull me close but I pulled away.

"Dude the lighter! Don't light me on fire." I pushed away

Then the lights flicked on, the storm slightly calming down. We backed up as John Dory flicked his lighter off. I sat back on the bench and rubbed my face a little insecure.

"I'm gonna get food before we starve!" Floyd chuckled before heading out.

John Dory went into Rhonda and I followed curiously. Rhonda was soaked inside, she wasn't water proof at all. My feet splashed water up as I took each step. Then I looked horrified, my heart beat instantly sped up, like a movie scene. My mouth dropped open, I never thought I would see something like this... John Dory was across from me holding a hand gun. Why'd he have a fucken gun!

"Dude what the fuck!" I yelled scared

John Dory shook the water off his gun and put it on the dry bench.

"Hey it's fine, I'm not gonna use it" John Dory rolled his eyes.

"Why do you have a gun!" I screamed

"When I lived alone I used it to defend myself, it came handy. I had to dry it off before it got completely soaked. It would ruin and rust it!" John Dory explained.

I just nodded as John Dory passed and left me. I walked up to the hand gun and examined it closely, taking the gun into my own hands. the little details really made it more appealing. My eyes widened, I felt a sense of power holding such a weapon. Then terrible thoughts flooded my mind, terrible terrible thoughts. I dropped the gun I'm shocked and pushed it away gripping my head.

"AGH!" I yelled as I gripped my head.

My brain felt with awful ideas, little scenes played in my head. Then I felt instantly calm, I reached out and grabbed the hand gun sliding it into my jacket. It was a good thing to keep, just in case those thoughts become a reality. I felt bad stealing, but John Dory wouldn't notice. Or maybe he would, he did notice me stealing the lighter last week. Oh well let's just hope for the best.

( guys I'm just warning you some pretty big chapters are coming soon! Also pretty violent. Thanks for reading my story so far, I appreciate all of you and I read every single comment everyone leaves. Love you all!)

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