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Branch's pov:

I put the hoodie on and went back into Floyd's room, honestly I didn't even know silk hoods existed. Everything in Floyd's room was silk, even the blankets. By the time I was done changing, poppy was in Floyd's room. She was sitting on Floyd's bed chatting to him about glitter or something.

"Branch! Your alive!" Poppy hugged me

"Heat stroke wasn't going to kill me." I groaned

Poppy handed me a Panadol tablet and I took it with some water Floyd handed me. It made my head pound less but my skin still felt a little flushed. I wonder why.

"Branch I sorta signed you up for something..." floyd giggled

"We both did, it was a group effort" poppy joined in

"What..?" I questioned.

What had Floyd and poppy signed me up for this time? The last time I signed up for something was a weapon making class, back when the Bergen's tried to eat us.

"Don't be mad.. but we paid for you to go to therapy?" Floyd giggled

"THERAPY?! why the fuck did you do that!" I yelled at only Floyd, I would never use that tone with poppy.

"Branchy, I think you need it. I mean I saw you break that car yesterday" poppy explained

"Yeah but poppy, the owner deserved it.." I whispered in a nicer tone

"Look branch you only have to go one day. And if you hate it so much you don't have to go again!" Floyd smiled

50 minutes later

And that's how I got here. I was sitting in a doctors office waiting for my therapy appointment. The bright lights honestly blinded me and the lack of colour in the room was disappointing. I thought I was dull and boring but this room was just white. White chairs, white walls and white floors! It hurt my head thinking about it. Their were at-least 3 people in the waiting room, one of them being a child. Poor thing, I honestly felt really bad. I remember when I was a broken child too, from a broken family. I could probably relate to this kid a lot.

The whole room was silent, the front office lady typing loudly. I could only hear the keys clacking on her computer. it was driving me insane.

"Branch! Ms white is ready for you!" The front office lady called out.

Of course my therapists name was ms white, what isn't white in this whole place! I stood up in shame, I could feel the kid in the waiting rooms eyes follow me. I walked into the isolated room, there was a nice lady sitting down at a white bench. I sat in-front of her looking away in shame. Eye contact was hard for me right now.

"Is this your first time in therapy branch?" The doctor asked

I just nodded my head. I wanted to get out of here was quickly as possible.

"You know why your here right?" Ms white repeated.

"Because I'm fucked." I growled

"I won't lie to you branch, if you don't change your ways you will be fucked." Ms white said in a cold tone.

Wow, I thought doctors were supposed to be nice but this lady was just brutally honest. Cold.

"Tell me Branch, why do you think your fucked?" Ms white pushed

I groaned and looked away, I wasn't paying much attention to this whole 'session' it wasn't important to me at all. It was only important to Floyd and poppy so I'm here for them only. The doctor tapped her pen loudly as it caught me attention. She lifted her eyebrow trying to get my attention back to the question.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن