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Branch's pov:

I woke up to Floyd's phone ringing, I could barely see. My eye lids felt heavy as the world around me was dizzy. All I wanted to do is vomit right now. I laid my head back down on whatever I was laying on. The surface was smooth and warm... it was moving... wait! It was moving! I instantly sat up in a panic. Oh... it's just John Dory, I must of feel asleep on him. I gripped my head in a sharp pain. I felt so sick like I was dying, I even considered calling the ambulance. I managed to look around the room, all my brothers were out cold. Floyd's phone rung again. This time I dragged my body over to it and picked up the phone, it was Bruce.

I answered the call and put it up to my ear.

"Bruce man..." I slurred my words in pain.

"Hey branch! Oh you don't sound good?" Bruce answered worried.

"We've been drinking..." I coughed.

Then Bruce sent a face time request. And I answered it, Bruce's face was worried as he looked me in the eyes through the phone. I could get a glimpse of myself aswell. I looked awful. Is this how drinking normally is?

"Dang you've been drinking without me? Why wasn't I invited" Bruce joked knowing exactly why he wasn't here.

"Why do people drink? I think- I think- I'm dying.." I gaged.

"Does it feel like a normal hang over?" Bruce asked a little more concerned.

I had never drunk a day in my life. I didn't know how hang overs were. Maybe this is how everyone was feeling?

"Branch you look green. Did you eat before drinking? Or at least 5 hours before?" Bruce questioned?

I gaged again. I slopped against the floor and held a hand over my mouth so I didn't puke. I think I was about to faint but I held it together for now.

"Eat? No. I haven't eaten in a while, I didn't know I was supposed to." I gaged again.

"Branch! You're supposed to eat so the alcohol mixes with stuff in your stomach!" Bruce yelled into the phone.

I covered my ears in pain. The shouting only made my head pound worse. It was awful. Nothing was good about this moment.

"What brand did you drink?" Bruce questioned another time.

I had no idea what I drank so I moved my hand around the room and found an empty bottle on the floor, I held it up to the camera and showed Bruce.

"Did you drink that straight? Just straight vodka!" Bruce yelled again.

"Mhm..." I slurred my words.

My stomach burned in flames, my arms tighten. My muscles ached in pain as a groaned in exhaustion.

"Branch that's deadly! You must have alcohol poison. I don't even understand how you're alive. I'm coming over right now!" Bruce yelled and hung up.

I stopped listening to what Bruce was saying a while again, I couldn't really pay attention. This pain was to much. I just laid on the floor gripping my stomach trying to ease the pain.

I was texted by Bruce on Floyd's phone about 12 times again. I lifted my head and read the message 'don't lay down!' That's all I managed to read anyways. I kept my head up and leaned myself against a bookshelf.

About ten minutes later Bruce arrived and rushed in, stepping over my unconscious brothers. I reached my arms out for him and he lifted me up. Bruce carried me into the bathroom and sat me on the cold tiles.

"If you have to puke do it now." Bruce offered me.

I leaned over the toilet and puked my entire insides out, that's what it felt like. I wiped my mouth and coughed violently. In one quick sweep  Bruce lifted me up and set me on the couch sitting In front of me. Bruce kept my head up the whole time, fetching me a glass of water.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now