I can't help now.

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Branches pov:

"Branch we need you. You're an expert on this stuff!" Bruce begged

"A expert on kidnapping? Geez thanks?" I shrugged

I can't remember how many times I've said 'I'm fine.' Because I didn't want to bother anyone else with my problems. But the second something goes wrong with my brothers they always 'need' something from me.

"We need you." Floyd pleaded

"You didn't need me before, you can deal without me now." I crossed my arms

I wasn't acting hostile anymore, I was keeping myself relaxed. Because in the end I couldn't care less if they 'needed me' I'm sure they can rescue my brother and girlfriend without me.

"Why are you acting like a brat?" Bruce crossed his arms similar to me

"Brat? Dude one day I'm gonna snap." I growled

Everyone thinks they can just prance around and hurt me as many times as they wanted. I always had to be this perfect likeable main character who solves every problem. But I have felt worthless for so long. So yeah, blame me if you must but I don't care if I'm not likeable. I'm hurt and I'll own it. Now fuck off.

"So you're gonna leave now or?" I raised my eyebrow

"Seriously? You're actually not coming?" Clay gasped

"Bye bye." I waved them off and walked away

They should have appreciated me before I had been thrown around. The only person at the end of the day was yourself. I was changed in ways that nobody should experience. I used to be a child, happy and careless. I'll never be that 'me' again.

"Why does your mood always change? Some days you're happy to help and some days you hate us! Make up your mind!" Bruce yelled

"I can do whatever the fuck I want and feel. Don't try to control me." I groaned

I tended to push people away because I thought they deserved better. But I deserved a lot more than some ragged lines on my arms. I couldn't help but always hate myself, I'll never escape from the self hate that drives me mad at night.

I wanted to live, not survive.

"Branch wait..." Floyd mumbled

Floyd reached out to grasp my arm, stopping me from moving. His heated finger tips sunk into the rough wounds on the surface of my arm. The burning sensation drove me insane, I almost snapped.

"Please let go Floyd, I said no." I tried to pull away

"But we need you!" Floyd teared up.

"I SAID NO!" I snapped

I knocked Floyd off my arm, sending him backwards into Bruce. This time I didn't care for being gentle, I was going to be rough and tough.

My furious eyes glanced up to my family, who just starred back. They weren't shocked, it was like they expected it.

"Fine we can save John and Poppy ourselves." Clay groaned

"You get the hint. Leave." I snarled

I used to let people treat me like shit so they'd stay in my life. But we were family, If they truly cared they would fight for me. I was worth fighting for.

You know that feeling when you want to run away? no note, no warning. Just disappearing and starting a new life. I feel like that every day.

I watched as my two brothers, Clay and Bruce left the bunker. Floyd stayed still, his eyes piercing into mine. I was hoping my whole family stayed, even if we fought.

"I think you should leave." I hugged my body

"Not this time. And not again." Floyd growled

I walked forward and hugged Floyd tightly, it was tight and warm. Perfect. I needed this hug, I always needed a hug. Even if his touch burned my wounds, I could fight the pain.

My eyes widened at how light Floyd's body was. He was fading quickly. I slid my finger under his chin and looked into his eyes, examining his weak face.

"You're not doing well." I mentioned

"I haven't had time to help myself. I've been so caught up it's killing me." Floyd whined

"I won't let you die. You know I wouldn't." I assured him

"It's not your choice, I need to see the mount Rageons." Floyd hinted towards velvet and veneer

I didn't think Floyd was weak. People don't fall apart because they are weak, it's because they've been strong for too long.

"What about Poppy? And John Dory?" Floyd questioned

"I'm not gonna let them go, I'll save them by myself." I remarked

Poppys pov:

My body was slammed against John Dory as we were thrown into a net type of bag. My legs slipped through the holes of the net but it wasn't big enough to escape. I quickly got tangled in the ropes as my body struggled, It tired me out.

"No point in struggling, it's impossible." John Dory stretched his arms

"What is gonna happen to us!" I pointed my finger at Asher

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Asher growled

I looked over to John Dory, he tried to act all tough but I saw the distress in his eyes. I was terrified myself, all my adventures I had branch by my side. I loved him, and he loved me.

"I deserve an answer!" I stated

I was queen. I had more authority than I used, I could command people to slave away for me. Since I'm so kind I wouldn't dare do that! I believe kindness is inside us all.

"If you must know, I'm bring you to my dad." Asher smiled evilly

My body froze, Asher was already 100x my size. Her father must be a giant!

"This is going to take forever." I whined

"Poppy I think we're here." John Dory went pale.

We were both thrown out of the net, roughly landing on the floor. I politely landed on my knees as John Dory flopped out like a fish out of water. Hilarious.

My eyes shook quickly, my vision all blurry. I was expecting for a giant monster to terrorise us but instead I was greeted with a disappointing view.

"Hello~!" Dante smiled

"Seriously? This dude again? Ugh!" John Dory yelled

"I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed

I ran forward, throwing my fists towards the freak troll. To my surprise he was a lot stronger than he looked. Dante grabbed both my writs and held them tightly together, I was hopeless.

"Not now sweetheart, I have plans." Dante smiled

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now