Evil people cannot be redeemed.

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Branch's pov:

Dante very secretively handed me a brown bag, which was wallet size. I curiously took the bag in my hand and held it close to my eyes. I wasn't sure of what it contained but knowing Dante it was never good.

"What is this? Drugs?" I joked

"I wish. It's just something special for my best buddy, you." Dante chuckled

"What type of sick contraband is in this?" I groaned annoyed

I started to undo the bag, very much in all of the workers view. I was being totally out of it until I noticed some patients starting to stare. Dante quickly grabbed my wrist and tugged my hand under the table. The tight grabbing and rough movements sent my body and heart into alarm mode.

"Don't be waving it around! Are you trying to get in trouble?!" Dante snickered

"So it is drugs?" I scoffed

"No! Just open it." Dante rolled his eyes.

I tugged on the tiny drawstrings and opened the miniature bag. I could only manage to slip one finger into the bag as I pulled out an unnecessarily sharp metal scrap.

"What? You're sick in the head." I gasped

"You'll thank me later, it's just something to get you off." Dante creepily smiled.

"You're really asking me to harm myself? What the hell man." I gasped louder

"Don't act like you haven't been craving the relief." Dante laughed.

He was right though, the only thought on my mind was something to push me right off the edge. I know this whole centre was about getting better but honestly I couldn't handle being clean anymore. It was like being sober at a rave.

"Thank you." I mumbled, it wasn't something I should be thankful for but I was.

"Don't get catch or we're both dead." Dante growled.

The workers soon started to remover people from the cafeteria and back to their rooms. I quickly hid the baggy in my hair so they couldn't find it if a random search was made. Jennie came to my table to collect me and bring me back to my room, she was sweet and gentle with me. Jennie held my shoulder gently as I was guided through my door and into my room.

"How was breakfast?" Jennie smiled

"It was really nice, thank you." I lied.

"Branch I'm really confused why you're here, you seem too good for a place like this." Jennie explained

"My girlfriend and brothers thought this place would be good for my health." I rolled my eyes.

"You might be out sooner than you think." Jennie said happily.

"Miss white would never let me out, she hates me." I explained my true thoughts on miss white.

"Miss white doesn't do the releases, I do." Jennie snickered.

This instantly changed my whole mood, I could easily fool this Jennie girl into thinking I'm a healthy person. Though it was wrong to take advantage of someone so kind but I literally couldn't stand being in such a place.

"Well thank you." I smiled

Jennie started to walk into my room which surprised me, I was confused on what she was doing but it soon escalated when she lifted up my mattress and started to cheek the sheets. My heart quicken as all my hard work on making my bed was destroyed. My breath was cut short and I was visibly shaking.

"What are you doing to my bed?!" I screamed

"Oh it's mandatory to search each persons bed for contraband. But I trust you." Jennie smiled as she let go of my bed.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin