Im not a monster.

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John dory's pov:

I gripped my phone as I sat up off the floor, I was still on dial with Floyd. the awful pain in my body hurt so bad that I was groaning loudly, Floyd could probably hear me gasping for air. I placed a hand on my head as I began panting, my breathes cutting sharp.

"You saw him?" Floyd asked through the phone.

"He's going north towards the river, you could probably meet him there." I groaned

"On my way." Floyd said before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and limped over to Rhonda, she rolled her eyes and basically laughed at me. Rhonda let out a loud sigh as he licked my face.

"You know I'm not as strong as I used to be girl." I chuckled

Rhonda gave out a loud roar before kicking her feet up, it was majestic.

Floyd's pov:

I was already heading north, I was following the deep river into the forest. My feet got wet as I sprinted forwards hoping to catch branch on the way. I had already notified Clay and Bruce that branch was going north so we could meet him together. Small splashes of water stained my black shorts, the denim starting to burn my thighs a little. Wet denim is the worst, it always gets super rough on the skin. My ears perked up as I heard a loud screech in the distance. I followed the sound of the scream towards the edge of the river. John Dory was correct, I could see branch running like a track star. He had thick red dripping all over his foot, looked infected.

"BRANCH!" I called out from behind him.

My eyes widened, branch looked super injured. I had no idea what happened to his foot but I wasn't really surprised, living outside must be rough, especially so far from troll town. Branch turned around and tried to out run me, his injury slowed him down dramatically as I caught up. I felt a little winded as I got closer to my brother.

"Branch it's me, Floyd." I reassured him.

"Floyd..?" Branch questioned.

"Yes!" I smiled.

I put my hand out as I inched closer. The moment was unpredictable at this point, I didn't know what to expect. I had many scenarios playing in my mind but what happened shocked me the most. Branch reached into his jacket pulling out... John dory's missing gun. So that's where it went.

"Why do you have that... branch please." I gasped

Branch pointed the gun towards my head, my back facing towards the river. I only had two outcomes right now, getting shot or falling backwards into the river. I was hoping for a miracle right now. Branch's hands were shaking extremely as he couldn't hold a clear shot on me.

"I don't- I don't want to hurt you!" Branch cried

"Then don't!" I begged.

I thought my words were getting him somewhere, my stupid idea to move closer. I stepped my foot towards him hoping we could sort this out. The second I moved closer branch slid his finger onto the trigger. I froze instantly, I didn't want to die! I fell to my knees putting my hands above my head like in a way of 'I surrender!'

"Please put it down branch! Please!" I pleaded.

Branch held his finger tight against the pistol as he harshly pressed down on the trigger. I flinched covering my head as I fell backwards, missing the river by an inch! I was expecting a shot of pain but nothing? I looked down for any Bullet holes in my body but I was completely untouched. I looked back up at branch confused, I didn't understand.

"If you really thought I'd shoot you then you don't know me at all." Branch sighed.

Branch dropped the gun and kicked it towards me, I was so confused. I placed my hand on top of the metal weapon, sliding it towards me.

"I don't understand..." I mumbled.

"It was never loaded... I'm not a monster Floyd." Branch sighed sighed again before rushing off into the bushes

I picked up the pistol and opened it up, he was correct. The gun wasn't loaded, my phone started buzzing in my pocket which startled me badly. I held the phone in my hand as I slid the accept button, clicking the speaker button. I was so shaken up I could barely talk. It was a face time call from Bruce and Clay, they must of met up on the way.

"Did you find him Floyd?" Bruce asked

"We're going to be there in 2 minutes!" Clay chimed in.

I couldn't answer, I just let my scared brother get away... AGAIN! But his words looped my mind 'I'm not a monster!' I dropped my phone to the floor as I stared blankly into the distance. I knew branch was still sane, he wasn't crazy or psycho. We all had this bizarre imagination of what we thought branch was. Branch wasn't the monster I thought, he was just afraid.

"Floyd? Are you there?" Clay asked

"Yeah I'm here... see you soon." I mumbled

2 minutes later

I was crouched down aside of the river, my feet drifting in the water. Clay and Bruce walked towards me, I looked up at them, shielding my eyes from the sun behind them. I was shivering from the ice cold water rubbing against me, I was too lazy to move though.

"Dude don't sit in the water you're gonna get wet." Clay lifted me out of the water.

"You get me wet~" Bruce wiggled his eye brows in a joking manner.

"Yuck bruce your sick!" Clay fake puked.

"It's a joke! Don't be gross man." Bruce chuckled

"You started it! Keep that stuff with brandy, away from me!" Clay coughed

I giggled at the joke, I shook the water off my legs and dried myself off. Bruce took off his jacket and put it on me so I'd stay warm.

"So did you see him?" Clay put his hands on his hips.

I contemplated telling the truth, I didn't know what to do. I had so much pressure on me right now it was crazy!

"No I didn't see him." I groaned

"Fuck, I'm getting seriously worried right now." Clay face palmed.

I really hope I know what I'm doing. I lifted the pistol in front of my brother's faces, both of them stepping back shocked. The shiny gun shined in the sun, it had the initials JD carved into the side.

"What the hell!" Bruce gasped

"I found it, not very useful though..." I tossed the gun into the river.

"Do you think it was branch's?" Clay questioned.

"No. He would never, he's not a monster." I assured them.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz