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Branch's pov:

I woke up early, I sat up and saw clays bed empty and Bruce packing up his stuff. John Dory was still on the floor and Floyd was asleep.

"Branch I thought I'd been gone before you woke." Bruce chuckled

"So you're leaving forever...?" I softly spoke

"No no! Look man I'm sorry I'm leaving you when your so... nevermind. Hey I'll visit some times I just have to get back to the wife and kids." Bruce explained.

"Any clay? Where is he going?" I whispered, hugging myself.

"Oh Him and viva are... well I'm not sure but I guess if you catch him before he leaves you can ask." Bruce answered.

"Cant, I'm not aloud to leave." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, don't give him ideas Bruce." John Dory laughed

"God I hate how much of a light sleeper you are, someone needs to drug you with sleeping pills" Bruce made a crappy joke to John Dory.

I mumbled 'genius' Bruce was smarter then a thought. It was a great idea, just a few pills to knock someone out cold. My heart just felt cold, i Didn't even feel anger anymore. I couldn't feel anything, I felt emotionless. Terrible feeling, because you can't really feel anything.

"Can I get a drink?" I asked.

"Do I trust you?" John Dory questioned

"Yes." I scoffed

John Dory waved me off into the kitchen, still keeping some eye on me. I turned around and saw Bruce leaving. I saw something glow underneath me, my hand had its colour back. This was supposed to be a happy moment but all I could do it cry. I felt sad at least I felt something. I wiped the tears off my cheek but more kept coming. I was so sad that Bruce was leaving. Before my brothers... before poppy I had never felt so alone. Watching him leave again hurt so bad, it brought the colour back to me. I opened a cupboard and pulled out a few cups. I poured water in each of the cups. But left them on the counter and walked back into bedroom.

"John Dory..." I mumbled.

"What's up? Oh your hand! Feeling better?" He said excitedly.

"A little, hey do you have any sleeping pills? I'm having a rough time sleeping..." I groaned.

"Nah but I'm sure Floyd does." He Reinsured

"Hey thinking about it, you don't need those bandages anymore. You're probably healed" John Dory stood up and walked towards me.

"Can you take them off... please." I begged.

John Dory nodded and started undoing my bandages. I looked at my faded scars, hm they just go away like that. Then Floyd woke up, he stretched his arms and yawned.

"Morning Floyd." John Dory giggled

"Hey... *yawn* oh branch you're looking better" floyd clapped

Floyd ran forward and picked me up in the air.

"You're hand! Oh branch I'm so happy your feeling better!" Floyd giggled.

"I'm too big to be tossed!" I coughed.

I jumped down on the floor, just cause I had some emotions and colour didn't mean they were happy emotions. I felt terrible. Was everyone just gonna forget about what happened to me? Is that it? I didn't want to forget. Everything that happened to me wasn't for shits and giggles! The faded scars had meaning.

"Yo Floyd, sleeping pills?" John Dory asked floyd.

"Yeah totally." Floyd chucked John Dory the pills and JD handed them to me.

I mumbled a short 'thanks.' And made my way back to the kitchen. I had a sinister smile on my face as I looked at the three cups. I dropped 2 pills into 2 glasses and brought the 3 glasses out to my brothers. I handed them the glasses.

"Awh branch thanks, I was thirsty haha" Floyd laughed.

I watched as they drunk and the water, I smiled a little. This was my chance to be alone. My arm went fully coloured, it was nice to see my bright blue skin again.

"Your not gonna drink yours?" Floyd questioned.

"I'm sorry" i chuckled.

God I've turned a little evil... it was for myself though. I had to think of myself. I watched as John dory's eyes widen. He coughed up his water.

"You didn't... you tricked us!" John Dory coughed.

"Branch... I " Floyd coughed.

It was only sleeping pills, what was the big deal not like they are gonna over dose. Floyd fell back onto his bed into a deep sleep. John Dory also fell asleep. Then I walked out the door and left, I mean I'm a grown man I can go wherever I want.

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