Shes only a child!

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Branch's pov:

"We have been walking forever! Are we there yet?" Boom yelled

"I've taken four steps, shut it." Brandy rolled her eyes

We set off, my whole body ready to face the danger that was apparently coming Floyd's way. On the way to the location we all noticed large foot prints in the dirt, which was a good sign to follow. In reality Tyco could have been playing a huge trick on us, but I tried to trust him. Even if it was a trick I had my friends along beside me.

"Look it's floyd!" Viva pointed

Floyd had a tiny map in his hand as he traveled down a pathway that leads towards the known jail. Whatever my idiot brother was doing I was going to find out. I slid off brandy's shoulder and hopped onto the floor, my feet making a rough dirt sound by landing.

"Floyd!" I called his name out as I chased my brother

"Branch? Viva? BRANDY? What are you all doing here?" Floyd gasped

Floyd was completely fine? Nobody had hurt him at all, he looked as confused as me though. I was expecting to find my brother beat up, guess I really was fooled.

"I thought something had happened to you! I'm glad you're alright!" I hugged Floyd

"Woah what's with the water works? I was gone for half a day!" Floyd chuckled

I hadn't realised it then but from all the fear of losing Floyd again my eyes started to water like a faucet... a broken faucet.

"I guess I must be crazy huh?" I shrugged

My body forced itself back as the ground started to shake. Two yellow eyes appeared behind Floyd, one opening at a time. The two yellow pupils pierced into my soul, starring at my deepest darkest secrets. Floyd turned behind himself as he noticed the shocked and fearful expression tearing into my face. The monster now in front of us stood tall up, it was reveled to be one of the mount rageous residents. She was coloured with light purple skin and a darker tone of purple hair. This wasn't any adult mount rageon, she was only a child. Not anyone random teenager though, this kid was about 9 years old.

"Hello!" Floyd attempted to be nice

My heart shook, why was a kid so young so far away from home.. and especially why was she alone?

"Is your name Floyd?" The girl giggled

"Yes it is! Your name?" Floyd questioned

"Asher, Asher darling. The next big shot at the mount rageous fame ring!" Asher introduced herself

The kid was sweet, total future superstar. Asher was adorable, I turned around as Brandy, boom, trickee and viva starred in awe.

"I'm lost! Can you help me get home?" Asher pleaded

"Of course follow us!" Floyd smiled

Me and Floyd turned our back as we decided to help the young soul. The ground shook as Asher stood tall, she was a giant child alright. I looked up at Brandy, expecting a lift off the floor but instead I was greeted by a stare of complete terror. Brandy definitely didn't like the looks of Asher, maybe because she had this creepy tinge to her, I wasn't sure what Brandy thought. Best I never know.

Before I knew it I saw Asher sprint at full force with a net in her hands towards me and Floyd. Brandy stepped in, grabbing both of Asher's hands trying to push her back. The net went flying towards the side and so did viva, boom and trickee! They fell backwards off brandy's shoulder as the two giants wrestled over us. If Brandy wasn't here who knows what could have happened. Everyone dived and slid out the way as Asher almost stood on us! I didn't know why a child had tried to capture us and turn her back, maybe this was the girl Tyco warned us about... I'm an idiot of course it is! The signs were right there.

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