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Branch's pov:

My eyes felt heavy as I woke up. I could barely pick myself up. I woke up to a loud knock on my door.

"Branch, you awake? Can I come in?" John Dory spoke through the door.

My eyes didn't feel heavy as I instantly stood up, he couldn't come in right now! My room was a complete mess... I looked down at my sheets which were covered in blood. My bandages didn't hold very well. I wasn't good at bandages, John dory's used to do them all for me.

"No! Don't come in." I yelled out.

"Why? Branch don't scare me like this." John Dory gulped.

"No no! I'm just making my bed! You know I'm a clean freak!" I lied

I hurried and fixed my room the best I could, shoving broken glass under the bed, picking up thrown furniture. Putting new covers on my bed. The more I moved the more my thighs burned. I just covered my legs up with some thick shorts, which burned my thighs even more.

"Come in!" I offered to John Dory.

John Dory walked in and looked around, he could tell something was up.

"Did you reorganise?" He questioned.

"Yeah i.. I felt like it was too cluttered." I explained.

Then John Dory grabbed my hand and looked at my wrist. To his surprise it was clean. What a idiot.

"Sorry I just had a bad feeling." John Dory laughed.

Great, I've completely traumatised him. I looked out my door way and saw Bruce and clay.

"Where is Floyd?" I questioned

"He told us before, he's going to visit velvet." John Dory explained.

"WHAT! I told him not to!" I screamed out.

"Well he's a adult, I can't control him." John Dory giggled.

I hated how un serious he was. I generally felt bad last time I saw him crying, but I bet he was laughing inside. He thought everything was a joke. I felt gross right now.

"I'm gonna shower." I groaned.

"All good." John Dory walked away.

I walked into the bathroom shutting the door tightly, I slid down the bathroom door and groaned in pain. I stood up and turned the shower on, I stuck my hand it and felt the cold water drip onto my skin until it went numb. I turned the water to warm and stepped in the showered, the water burnt my scars so bad I had to get out. It burned so bad i couldn't handle it. I clutched my thighs tightly, tears rolling down my cheeks. That was a awful feeling. I turned the shower to ice cold and got back it.

The freezing cold water rolled down my face, the cold water was awful but at least it didn't burn. I smiled softly as the water ran on my face mixing with my tears. I looked to the bottom of the shower, it was pink. Water mixed with blood. It was a awful sight. I turned the shower off and dried myself off. I looked in the mirror. I felt like I was gonna punch it. I looked so awful, I decided to avoid mirrors completely. I changed into better clothes, still burnt my thighs but at-least I looked handsome. I rang poppy and sat on the floor.

"Branch hi! I'm a little busy washing dishes right now." Poppy giggled.

"Hey poppy I just wanted to check on you. I miss you" I groaned.

"Did you have a shower? You look hot with wet hair." She laughed.

"Poppy! Stop." I blushed.

"Well I love you branch." Poppy said before she hung up.

I cant believe she was working so hard so I could be a family with my brothers, I didn't want to tell her we weren't getting along right now. I opened the door and sat on the couch next to my brothers.

"You look hot with wet hair branch" Clay laughed.

"Why does everyone say that?" I growled.

"You're like brozones new heart throb" Clay chuckled.

"Don't push it clay." Bruce scoffed.

Bruce loved the attention of being attractive. Well he did when he was a kid. Now he was pretty laid back, he still cared for his title though.

"Branch you're like a child. You're our child" Clay joked.

"I'm not your fucking child!" I yelled out.

I felt like the more the days went on, the more I lost my temper.

"It's a joke chill." John dory's scoffed.

My thighs burnt like hell. It was awful. Bruce could tell I was uncomfortable. This was the deepest I've ever hurt myself... Bruce grabbed my wrist and looked at it.

"Sorry... it's impulse." Bruce laughed it off.

It was getting so annoying now. I'm happy the pain was hide able. Some times I just feel like ending it bro. It would of been better if I literally never existed.

"Sorry branch I didn't mean to.. remind you of that." Bruce apologies.

There was no way of winning... because I'll always be the vulnerable and broken brother. Especially in their eyes. God I felt so cringe saying this! I gripped the couch, I felt so anxious. Why would I come out of the bathroom! I felt their eyes all over me. They were judging me. They thought I was disgusting. My breaths grew sharp. My chest was suffocating me. Then I felt John dory scoot closer to me and put his hand on my thigh for comfort. I slapped his hand away fast and my vision went blurry. Then John Dory pulled me into a hug. I regained my breath and hugged back. I almost lost it in-front of them. Bruce pulled clay aside as John Dory sat with me

Clays pov:

I was pulled aside by Bruce, good thing too. I was a little confused.

"Look the kids got problems." Bruce explained.

I mean it was obvious. I felt really bad.

"Look, I pulled you aside because I know you're not good with John Dory right now but can you try to keep it together? For branch." Bruce begged.

"Yeah totally man." I agreed.

Yeah i have been fighting with John Dory. It's not like I meant to break his stupid glasses.

"John Dory was really upset about the glasses, they were special. Hey and if not for branch but do it for yourself." Bruce smiled.

"Yeah for myself." I agreed again.

It would be nice to keep it together. John Dory was annoying but I have seen him improve. He's been changing a lot. He's not so bossy and he is really nice to branch.

"I can fix the glasses, I saw a book about it. Did you maybe keep the shards?" I offered.

Bruce handed my a small box of shards and winked. He was giving off the 'good job vibe.' It was nice.

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