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Branch's pov:
I look down at the blade and instantly drop it. Is this really what I was gonna do? That's ridiculous! I shouldn't resort to this kind of... stuff. The blade hits hard on the floor, the room was so silent you could hear it. I grabbed a piece of vine and tied it around my wrist and held pressure on it, hoping it would cut of the fade. It wasn't working. I stepped forward for more ideas when a shot of pain sent through my body, I had accidentally stepped on the blade slicing my foot. God I'm such a idiot! I clutched my fist tightly only then realising I had my colour fully back. Was this really what would help? It was a different type of feeling, painful but also exciting, the thrill got me going. "No." I mumbled out loud, I wasn't gonna do this. Not now atleast. I kicked the blade under my bed and flopped onto it, I didn't have much motivation to do anything right now. I felt really funny.

John dory's pov:

"What's his deal?" Bruce questioned me, he was referring to the incident that happened with branch.

"I'm not sure, probably just throwing a temper tantrum. He is just a little baby" I joked around.

"Knock it off John Dory, it's not cool" floyd punched my shoulder softly.

I cared enough for floyd to not speak back to him, he had been through a lot and I wasn't really gonna put him through more. I pulled him in for a hug but he pulled away.

"No hugs, it's weird" floyd giggled

"Why, you give branch, clay and Bruce hugs?" I gasped, how rude!

"Hmph. I'm gonna go see branch" floyd waved me off before walking away.

"Cold." Bruce laughed.

It was nice we had a real family bond now, even if my brothers were still uncomfortable with the whole hug me thing. I think I knew why though, I made I joke about having 'the perfect family hug' and clay got offended saying I'm always trying to be perfect. Well there's nothing wrong with perfect, not my fault I am perfect.

Nobody's pov:

Floyd made his way to branch's bunker and opened the locks, they were rusty and barely worked so it was easy to get in. Floyd stepped down looking for branch and eventually made it to his room. Floyd opened the door to his surprise, little drops of blood on the floor, now Floyd wasn't a complete idiot, but he could act like it.

"Branch? What's the blood from?" Floyd questioned

Branch looked over not replying just yet and pointed to his cut foot. Branch mumbled out some random words but the only thing floyd understood was the word 'accident'.
Floyd walked over to the bed and took a seat on it lifting up branch's foot taking a closer inspection.

"Are you alright?" Floyd laughed trying to brighten the mood.

"Oh I'm perfect, yay!" Branch said sarcastically.

It was annoying when branch had a attitude, which he always had. Floyd felt a little concerned as he remembered branch storm off earlier, so he decided to just ask a few questions.

"You okay from before? Like you shoved John Dory really hard." Floyd spoke softly.

Branch didn't answer instead turning around on his bed and shoving his face in a pillow.

"You know you can tell me anything? I'm your brother branch." Floyd said as he turned branch around.

Branch just sat up, he felt better knowing Floyd cared, but not better enough to explain all his life problems. What was he supposed to do? Tell Floyd how he's 'depressed and hasn't felt anything exciting in so long that only pain gives him thrills. Oh and that he's so traumatised because all his loved ones become endangered?' Of course not! Branch wasn't gonna vent, how embarrassing.

"Get out" branch growled.

It was hard for branch to be mean to Floyd, Floyd was definitely branch's favourite brother. But Floyd just nodded stood up and left. That was kind of upsetting to branch, floyd didn't even put up a good enough fight to stay. The fade returned.

Branches pov:
Oh shit! I looked down at my foot, it was fading! What was up with me today? This was so embarrassing. I cant be seen as vulnerable or sad. I stood up made sure that my bedroom door was completely looked this time, so nobody could barge in. I lifted up my bed grabbed the blade and held it in my palm of my hand again. This is so fucken stupid, it better work.

Warning ⚠️ Sh

I lightly pressed the blade against my arm, the skin ripped slightly, no blood came out, it was the least satisfying thing ever. I pressed hard drawing deep wounds across my skin until it was a bloody mess. It was a bad feeling, but also interesting. I also felt less sad, the Fade was gone again! This was a good solution to getting rid of my faded colours. Though what would my brothers think? I wiped the blooded wrist against my jacket which stained. The blood just dripped back out again, oh well. I stumbled over to my bed feeling a little faint, and laid back onto it. I felt like I was gonna pass out now.

And I did.

Nobody's pov:

Bruce and clay felt a little concerned for branch when Floyd came back and said branch wasn't home, he lied. Even John Dory was a little worried. John Dory and poppy were chilling out as poppy showed John Dory her scrap books of brozone.

"Do you think baby branch alright?" John Dory asked poppy.

"He's fine, probably went for a walk, he gets moody. That's why I love him" poppy giggled

John Dory laughed back and forget everything.

Branch was feeling alot better so he decided to act normal and visit his brothers. Branch reached for his door handle until he realised the slices on his arm. How disgusting. He couldn't just walk around with that on his arm, imagine the questions and the concern people would give him. Branch slammed his fist into the wall causing his a bit of pain as the wall broke a fist shaped hole

Branch's pov:
I felt my chest sink in and hold tight, I could barely breath I was feeling so anxious and overwhelmed. I hated when people worried for me, it was a horrible feeling. This would definitely upset poppy.
"Ugh why cant I fucken kill my self!" I shouted out before gasping and grabbing my mouth. Did I really just say that? No. I don't want that. I grabbed some friendship bracelets (all from poppy) and stacked them on covering up my arm. How stylish.
Then I made my way to where everyone was, Bruce was with his kids and John Dory was with poppy. I wanted to avoid poppy and John Dory, I knew they would tell something was up. Before I knew it clay walked up to me.

"Heard you had a outburst yesterday? You good bro?" Clay asked confused more than concerned.

"Just a disagreement with John Dory." I said in the most convincing tone he could.

Clay believed it.

"Who doesn't disagree with him. Nice bracelets you really know how to flex the drip!" Clay said sticking his tongue out doing the stupid face he always did.

"Are they that noticeable?" Branch laughed.

Oh the regret... I shouldn't of done this. I'm an idiot!

(Not a rewrite but I did fix the spelling.)

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