Change in the wind

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Branch's pov:

"So you're going to save them? Because we should leave now." Floyd crossed his arms

"I'll go, you stay." I groaned

"But I have to come! You'll be alone. Easy target." Floyd snickered

"I won't be, you wouldn't want to see." I smiled

"Branch you can barely handle yourself, let me come." Floyd put his foot down

I turned around and faced the wall, my ears twitching ever so slightly. I wasn't going to be alone, nobody's ever alone. But Floyd had pushed his body to far, he was way to weak to come.

"You need to rest." I growled

"All I ever do is rest!" Floyd screamed

"Then you'll be used to it." I snickered as I walked away

I left the bunker and started to walk into the distance. Where was I going? Who knows. I was following the giant foot steps engraved into the dirt path, Asher had left a trail the whole way. What an idiot.

"Branch!" A voice called out my name.

I turned around and saw a familiar face. It was Tyco, wouldn't say I was excited though. He looked alot happier, no bruises or cuts and even a new hair style.

"Dyed your hair?" I crossed my arms for a sense of comfort

"Yeah it's purple now, like it?" Tyco smiled

"I guess." I mumbled

I could tell Tyco wasn't the same person I had met only 2 months ago. He had changed so quickly, but just because people change doesn't mean you forget. Forgive but never forget.

"Still mad at me?" Tyco's expression dropped

"Well yeah I guess. I kinda hate you." I pointed my finger at his face

"I was manipulated." Tyco groaned

"No you were bribed." I rolled my eyes

"Look I've changed and I feel really bad, I'm sorry." Tyco whispered

The dude looked desperate for my approval. The first time I met Tyco he was this big strong and powerful dude. Now he only came off as gentle and polite. What a change!

"Look, it's fine." I softly spoke

"But are you fine?" Tyco budged me

"I'll manage. I can't hold grudges against people." I lightened up

"You know alot of us have changed. You'd be surprised." Tyco smiled

My head shot up, I wasn't feeling terrible now. The whole mood changed, I didn't mind Tyco now. Nice dude, definitely has a lot of regret as-well. But I couldn't tell what he meant by 'us'

"Us? Who's us?" I tilted my head

"Miss white, remember that chick?" Tyco mentioned

My ears pinned against my head as a sight of rage engulfed my body. Though now that he's mentioned it I haven't heard from the lady in a long time.

"Ugh, what about the bitch." I growled angrily

"Woah woah calm down, she's a lot nicer when she left jail!" Tyco clapped his hands together

"JAIL!? She went to jail?" I gasped

"She's out of jail now, and check this out." Tyco smiled

He lifted his hand up to show me a small sliver ring on his ring finger. The light only so ever shined off it as it could catch anyone's attention from miles.

"She's my wife." Tyco winked

"Wait hold up, when where and how did this happen! And so fast? After everything? I have so many questions." I blabbered out

"When she's the one, you know." Tyco smiled

The ground started to shake as I fell forwards on Tyco's chest and we both landed on the floor. I quickly rolled off him as I felt the wind go cold. My eyes widened at a group of spider creatures stampeding towards us. I learnt my lesson from last time and quickly climbed to higher ground by using a tall vine.

Unluckily for Tyco the dude had no idea what was happening. They ran towards him, knocking his body across the floor until he was swarmed into a circle of dangerous creatures.

My eyes widened even more as I watched the spiders grab at his arms and pull him around like a chew toy.

"Branch don't leave me!" Tyco screamed in pain

I couldn't help this dude, I was too scared. I watched in total shock as the spiders one by one tortured him by ripping his arms and legs off. There was blood absolutely everywhere, my ears filled with his blood curling screams. One spider took his head into its mouth and crunched down hard. Tyco's eyes rolled back and he was left dead.

It was totally morbid, it was horrible it was disgusting. The dude finally had gotten his life together, wife, maybe kids and even a better motive. That was all washed away as these bigger creatures took advantage of us.

There was no time to mourn his death, if I wanted to live I had to save myself. I used my hair to latch onto a nearby tree and swung from them, still following the foot prints of course.

I hope Tyco went to a better place, because it wasn't so great down here either. I was finally free from the monsters so I chose to drop onto the floor. My head snapped down to my pocket as I felt my phone ring with notification. It was Poppy!

'Branch, I could use your help right now.' Poppy texted

'Where are you? Asher let you keep your phone?' I questioned through text

'Nah she doesn't know I have it. We're with Dante btw' Poppy texted back

'What! Are you safe?' I quickly typed

'Ofc, pls come help though 💕💕💕' Poppy texted

'I'm coming love.' I texted back.

I quickly started to follow the location of poppy's phone. The destination wasn't too far from where I was, I climbed through a few leaves and vines before I was there. I could see my two family members next to Dante with their wrists bound. It could have be easy to just run away, I was confused why they didn't. Poppy was pretty relaxed but John Dory was definitely scared.

I was just going to run up and save them but I felt a hand yank me back into the bushes. It was Clay and Bruce.

"Don't go." Clay whispered

"Why?" I whispered back, still pissed at them

"Look." Bruce pointed to the gun

( omg I was late on another upload I'm sorry 😭 I went to a Melaine Martinez concert so here's a photo you've never seen before cause I took it!)

( omg I was late on another upload I'm sorry 😭 I went to a Melaine Martinez concert so here's a photo you've never seen before cause I took it!)

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