Noticed absence

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Branch's pov:

"Branch stop teaching my kids swear words!" Bruce growled.

"It's not my fault they listen to me!" I giggled

I was helping around vacation island with the dishes and kids. My whole vocabulary was swearing so it wasn't uncommon for me to let a few cuss words out. One of Bruce's kids ran up behind him and scared Bruce, he leaped forward trying to regain his breath. Bruce was trying to act serious but he always had that silly vibe to him.

"Daddy daddy! Uncle branch talk me the word cun-" Bruce's kid was cut off

"BRANCH!" Bruce yelled cutting his own kid off

"Accidental?" I shrugged while laughing

"Do not teach my kids the C word!" Bruce snarled

I started to laugh loudly as I placed both my palms onto my knees as I couldn't contain my giggles. Bruce ran up and tackled me onto the floor as we started to sync our laughs. I pushed Bruce off me and regained my own breath. I sat up and let out a long heavy sigh, my body was still sore from the massive beating I took the previous day.

"I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" Bruce questioned

"Nah I'm good, foot still kills though." I groaned

My foot had started to heal but it was barley able to walk on. My entire leg had swollen up from the injury, complimented with a few bruises as well. The worst part about the whole thing was the healing, my skin was moving around so much it made me itch to the bone. I wanted to scratch so badly but it would just make the situation worse.

"Looks rough." Bruce said the obvious

"Kills." I groaned

Bruce's kid was still behind us and went to repeat another word. He tried to say the word 'kill' but Bruce covered the kids mouth before he could speak.

"Don't say that. Go back to your mother!" Bruce ordered.

Bruce's kid sadly walked back to brandy and started to help with the dishes. It was cute how the whole business was family owned. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as my phone started to ring in my pocket, I slid my hand down my shirt and reached for my phone.
I pulled out my device and looked at the caller Id. My heart instantly dropped, my chest rising and falling quickly. I didn't handle my anxiety well, I felt controlled by the stress. The person who was calling was revealed to be John Dory. I handed my phone to Bruce in fear as he started to panic himself.

"Do you think he knows I'm not at rehab!?" I panicked

"He definitely knows! We're screwed." Bruce freaked out.

"Do I answer?!" I questioned

"You have to!" Bruce shivered

I slid the answer button across the screen and held the phone up to my ear. Bruce slapped my hand away and held the phone on speaker, Bruce leaned over and whispered into my ear 'don't play man. let me listen as well.' Bruce rolled his eyes,We both listened as we waited for our brother to speak on the other line.

"Branch. Where the hell are you?" John Dory gasped into the phone.

He definitely knew I was missing, I didn't know how long our lie was going to last for but I was hoping for it to be longer. Vacation island had been one of the least stressful places I've been the last week, I was happy here. It didn't matter now though, the same stressful feeling I couldn't let go of returned.

"Safe...?" I giggled trying to avoid the question

"That's not what I asked! Where the fuck are you?!" John Dory yelled into the phone, a sad tone to his voice.

I started to panic even more as I shoved the phone into Bruce's hands, I was hoping for him to control the situation better than me. Bruce looked over to me and whispered ' what the hell man!' And quickly started to calm John Dory

"Hey John it's me..." Bruce mumbled

"Bruce is that you?! Where is our little brother!" John Dory panicked through the phone.

"With me..." Bruce admitted defeated

"I'm coming over." John assured

Then the phone hung up, my heart dropped. I pushed away from Bruce and gripped my fingers tightly. I crouched down hugging my knees as my breathe cut sharp. I was approached by Bruce but I gave me the 'I want to be alone' look. Bruce got the message and returned to work.

For about 10 minutes I waited in silence. John Dory was going to be super pissed, or maybe he won't. I couldn't guess how he'd react. The doors swung open and John Dory rushed in with tears streaming down his face. John Dory scooped me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I tried to pull away but he latched onto me like a leach.

"Branch! I was so worried. The nice lady Jennie told me you were kidnapped!" John Dory hugged tighter

"I wasn't kidnapped, I left on my own terms. Kinda..." I explained

John Dory pulled away from the hug as he looked at my face, chest and leg. I didn't blame him though, I looked like I had been dragged underneath a car. His face turned pale, he definitely looked disgusted.

"Who. who did this." John Dory growled like a lion.

"Dante. Same guy you beat up once, this was his revenge." I whispered

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again." John Dory hugged me again.

This time I accepted the hug and hugged back reluctantly. I nuzzled into John dory's chest as his warmth soothed my face wounds. I was happy I was receiving the comfort I so badly begged for since I was a kid.

"I'll take care of this situation. Don't you worry." John Dory assured.

I knew John Dory would do something drastic but I couldn't keep running away from the abuse I received from Dante. Someone had to take action, I couldn't live in fear of him any longer.

Dante's pov:

I had been using miss white the whole time we were dating. I used her for money, power and even some protection. She was my puppet on a string and I couldn't care less about her. I'm pretty sure miss white was using me aswell, she thought I'd make her queen. I was planning on leaking the footage of her hitting branch to get her off my trail when she becomes no longer useful to me. I had miss white under the impression that I wanted to become 'king' but that wasn't my motive at all. I planned to kidnap branch and use him for ransom so his rich girlfriend would pay me millions! Yep! That was the big plan all along. I just had to keep miss white thinking I'd become king since she thinks I promised her royalty.

"And when your king I'll be queen." Miss white smirked

"You sure will be." I lied.

(I'm literally going to spend my whole pay check on trolls minzees. I want the hair rageous velvet and Floyd man. Anyways enjoy Dante being a piece of shit to everyone around him.)

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