Not the problem

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Branch's pov:

"You guys aren't the problem...?" I shook my head in shook.

This entire time I thought my family had been the reason I felt so down. Maybe it started like that, but it certainly didn't end like it. John Dory reached forward and grabbed my hand, inspecting it himself.

"Well you better figure out the reason quickly!" John Dory gasped

"Guys the girl is getting back up!" Clay cried out

I grabbed onto Poppy and started to run as Asher came back to her feet. Bruce noticed a hole in the floor and we decided to hide inside. Carefully John Dory carried Floyd down aswell as I lifted Poppy inside. I then saw Mr dinkles in the way of danger. My heart pounded as I ran to save him.

"BRANCH STOP!" Poppy called out from inside the hole.

I grabbed Mr dinkles into my arms and picked him into the air. I felt a strange shadow come over my head as I slowly looked up. The bottom of Asher's foot was above me, ready to crush at any second. I had no time to save myself, I thought I'd die.

My body flinched as a figure pushed me out of danger. My eyes widened as I saw Asher's foot crush down hardly. I could have died if that mysterious person didn't save me. Then I was pulled behind a building and felt a hand cover my mouth. My breezing was muffled and heavy, I was terrified.

"Are you crazy?!" Miss white gasped.

"White?! I think you saved the wrong guy." I growled

"I definitely saved a crazy guy!" Miss white stomped her feet.

I pushed her hand off my face and placed Mr dinkles onto the floor. I stomped my feet and clung against the wall behind me.

"Drop the act, I know you're evil." I growled

"you think this is a act?!" Miss white yelled

I gripped my fists and pushed miss white back. I wasn't going to take anymore evil bullshit from this woman.

"He was my escape branch." Miss white mumbled

"Escape?! Dante was your escape from what? Torturing people?!?" I screamed

"You think I wanted that? I signed a contract!" Miss white started to cry

I almost felt bad. I knew what it was like to be owned against my will. Dante had destroyed so many lives. Even after his death, people will still be affected.

"If I disobeyed Dante's orders he would shoot me! I just wanted him to love me." Miss white yelled

"Look I didn't realise." I stuttered

"But maybe if I did everything he asked... ruined people and ruined myself... it would show how much he meant to me. And id become his favourite." Miss white cried

"You meant nothing to him. Dante was heartless, and you were a toy." I crossed my arms

"I know." Miss white whined

I peaked around the corner and saw the furious Asher destroying houses and buildings. I heard structures crumble to the floor and citizens screaming in fear and pain.

"Look I don't have time to argue. That girl is going to kill us all if we don't do something." I explained

"Asher isn't going to stop until she gets revenge. The girl has issues. I was told." Miss white wiped her tears

"Well you both signed a contract, maybe go and bond with her!" I threw my hands up

I was grabbed by the vest collar by miss white and pulled close to her face. I could feel the minty breath of this girl blasting against my face. I almost felt scared, but I never wanted to fear another troll again.

"I'll see what I can do. But you need to leave right now. Grab your worm pet and leave." Miss white pushed me into safety.

I grabbed Mr dinkles and ran back to the hole my family was taking safety in. I slid down the dirt hole and landed straight on butt.

"Branch!" Poppy ran towards me.

I slowly hugged my girlfriend as Mr dinkles jumped out of my arms. I cuddled her close as I looked towards my shaken up family.

"You're crazy!" Bruce yelled

"You could have died." Clay yelled back

I pushed away from Poppy and sat down on the floor. The place wasn't clean or tidy but I really didn't care. I felt the dirt smear against my clothes and I laid against a rough rock in the cave / hole.

I watched over as John Dory was sitting next to Floyd. He was conscious and sitting up, but I could tell how weak Floyd was. Floyd has extremely heavy breathes and tired eyes. It was complimented with giant black eye bags and weak muscles which could barely lift his arms.

"How long do we have?" I questioned

"Not long." John Dory spoke up.

"I ca- can't keep going..." Floyd mumbled

"You have to. Just keep awake." Bruce chimed in.

"It's so painful... I just want to give into the pain and fall asleep." Floyd whined

I was pulled behind the rock I was leaning against by Poppy. Looked like she wanted to have a private conversation. Poppy sat infront of me and grabbed both of my palms trying to get my attention.

"I don't want to be that person but you have to fix yourself if you want Floyd to... well... live?" Poppy said sadly

"Well I thought the reason I lost my colour was because of my family? Or even Dante? But nothing is working!" I called out softly

"Are you sure you're not pissed at your family?"  Poppy titled her head

"Not at all! Of course I used to be but that's all in the past. I love my brothers... and I love you." I smiled softly

"You're hurting because of Dante aren't you?" Poppy explained

"Of course not? He's dead! " I yelled loudly, enough for my brothers to hear.

"You know Asher is hurting because of Dante, you also know miss white is hurting. Maybe just maybe, you are hurting knowing he still affects people." Poppy explained

"That's ridiculous." I crossed my arms

"You don't want that girl out there to hurt do you? You know what that feels like." Poppy seemed more intent in getting my attention

"You're saying that I need to save Asher to save myself? And Floyd. That's just stupid!" I rolled my eyes

"Might be stupid but it might just be true." Poppy gripped harder on my palms.

Maybe she just might be right.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें