Revenge for rhonda.

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Branch's pov:

Me and John Dory were bonding and chatting in my room, it was nice speaking to him every now and then. I felt like John Dory was always in his room or doing something, the only way to get his attention is for him to be so worried he'd drop his activity's. It was a selfish way to get his attention but I craved closure from my brothers so bad, I knew I could just ask to talk to him but asking for anything gave me butterflies in my stomach, like a huge lump in my throat. I was too ashamed and embarrassed to ask for a simple 'can we please talk, I miss you' I cringed at even thinking those words. I didn't want to sound desperate for attention or anything even though I so desperately was.

My bedroom door started to rumbled, me and John Dory perked our heads up, Floyd bursted into my room scaring John Dory off the bed. I stood up and lended a hand for John Dory to take, Floyd was breathing heavily as he freaked out.

"Yo Floyd you scared the shit out of me!" John Dory laughed

"John dory, somethings happened and you're going to be pissed." Floyd mumbled

"What happened?" I asked confused

"I'll show you guys, come quick!" Floyd pulled us out the room.

Us three made it to the elevator as I anxiously pulled the lever. The elevator slowly started to pull us up as John Dory tapped his foot impatiently.

"Breathe John." Floyd comforted John Dory

"How can I breathe if you won't tell me what happened!" John Dory growled

Finally after a slow and painful experience we were finally at the top, I opened the latch door as was greeted with a horrible sight. It was like a teenage dirtbag scene, Rhonda had been destroyed! I looked over at John Dory who had his mouth wide open. John Dory was visibly shaking, his face went from shocked to anger.

"Who the fuck did this." John Dory growled.

I could see the anger burning in his eyes, I was genuinely afraid this time. Floyd stepped forward handing John Dory a sticky note, I leaned into checking the note out as-well. My heart dropped as I saw the note was from Dante, this must of been revenge for slashing up his car!

"Dante, that name sounds similar." John Dory clenched the note.

"He's that one guy that assaulted me." I admitted ashamed

"He did what?!" John Dory growled.

I watched as John Dory made his way over to Rhonda, he kneeled down next to her as he rubbed her face for comfort. Rhonda let out a few happy sighs as John comforted her. I went over to Rhonda trying to buff out the paint marks. The  spray pain came out pretty easy, the bright blue lines staining on my black hoodie.

"The paint has been tackily put on, we can fix her John Dory" I explained

"Oh I'm not just going to fix her." John Dory said evilly

Floyd creeped up behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. Me and Floyd watched in fear as John Dory walked into Rhonda scurrying through a few cupboards. Throwing boxes out of Rhonda in a cartoonish way. It freaked me out, I've seen John Dory mad but never psycho killer mad. John Dory has this sort of murderess look to his face, Dante messed with the wrong brother. John Dory walked out of Rhonda, his breathes still sharp and heavy. I glared down at his hand, he was holding a shiny red axe with many scuff marks in it. The axe was so worn out it looked like it had been used before.

"What's that for?" Floyd asked confused

"Revenge." John Dory growled

John Dory set off without saying another word, me and Floyd followed behind me scared, the whole vibe was set off. John Dory instantly turned around griping me by the shirt and holding me off the ground.

"Where's Dante branch." John Dory growled

"I- he's- I don't know!" I gulped.

"Don't lie to me right now, I'll use this axe on you. Spill it out!" John Dory threaten.

"Behind that building!" I gasped

John Dory finally let go of me as I fell to the floor, Floyd lifted me up and we continued to follow John Dory behind the building. Dante was set behind the building smoking one of his cigarettes, Dante raised his eye when he saw all three of us.

"Branch, branch, branch. You really brought the whole gang to me?" Dante repeated.

"You messed with the wrong guy at the wrong time." John Dory said crazily

"Gonna shoot me too? I see where you get your craziness from." Dante chuckled

John Dory swung the axe in the air charging for Dante. Dante dodged out of the way landing on the floor as the axe stuck straight into the building wall. Floyd stepped forward to stop John Dory but I held him back with my arm. I wanted to watch this go down. John pulled the axe out of the wall started to swing it towards Dante. Dante kept rolling away dodging all of his swings. One of the swings hit Dante right across the chest leaving a huge bloody wound. The wound wasn't deep but it could definitely leave a scar.

"What the fuck dude!" Dante screamed

Floyd covered his eyes watching the sight of this, I held Floyd tightly giving him some closure as I watched in pleasure. A sickening smiled creeped onto my face as John Dory swung the axe again but it had gotten stuck in the floor. John Dory tried to pull the axe out but the dirt floor kept it tightly against it. Dante moved back in fear, John Dory used his hair to choke him as I watched Dante struggle in pain. A few minutes of suffering and Dante had passed out. John Dory let go of him dusting off his hands.

"Is he dead..?" Floyd gasped

"No he's just unconscious." John growled.

John Dory set of back home walking silently. Floyd was going to turn around to help Dante out a little but I pulled him away. I didn't want Dante to get any time of sympathy, especially from my kind brother. Me and Floyd walked silently behind John Dory.

"Not a word on the way home. Rhonda needs my attention." John Dory said harshly

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