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Guys I actually couldn't wait to write this BUT #1 IN #TROLLS AND #CLAY. I love you all for ready <3

Nobody's pov:

it was the next day, clay was on the couch reading a book. Some tears were rolling down his face. John Dory walked in and sat next to him. John dory was gonna ask what was wrong but then turned to the book. It was 'the princess and the frog' John Dory face palmed himself.

"Are you really crying over princess and the frog?" John Dory laughed.

"It's so sad!" Clay sniffled.

John Dory huffed and yawned. It was early in the morning, barley any lights shined. John Dory was just in his boxers which were white with pink hearts, And his iconic jacket.

"Put some clothes on dory!" Clay sobbed.

"First, no. Second, never call me dory again." John Dory growled.

Branch opened his door and walked into the kitchen, he was wearing a raggy green robe. It looked like the robe had been dragged through the mud even if it was clean. Branch made his way into the kitchen slowly, going to the coffee machine and making coffee.

"Whys he crying?" Branch rolled his eyes.

"Princess and the frog." John Dory patted clay on the back.

Then Floyd opened his door, he yawned and stretched his arms. Branch, clay and John dory's eyes instantly went to him. He was wearing a bright pink robe with feathery ends, with sparkles all over. One way to one up branch!

"You look gay." Branch scoffed.

"BRANCH!" John Dory scolded branch.

"Hey, no shame being gay." Branch shrugged, still very tired.

"I'm not gay! I'm just very fashionable." Floyd flicked his hair.

"Definitely gay." Clay laughed, still crying.

Floyd walked over and grabbed branch's coffee out of his hands and sat next to clay. Floyd drank the whole mug of coffee before shouting 'bleh!' It was definitely to dark for his liking.

"I'm not gay if I have a girlfriend." Floyd winked.

Floyd's pov:

I let out a little joke, I definitely didn't have a girlfriend, I'm too busy for the lady's. But I wasn't gay! I'm just fashionable, though John Dory gives me gay vibes so look who's talking!

John dory's eyes widen, he instantly stood up and grabbed me by the collar pulling me towards him.

"A girlfriend! Who, when, where and why!" John Dory gasped.

"I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking!" I groaned out as John Dory shook me.

"You got me excited..." John Dory huffed letting me go.

I walked into the kitchen next to branch and made a sweeter tea, extra sugar. Just cause branch looked like a depressed rat doesn't mean he had to drink like it.

'Oooh savage' I laughed to myself in my head. I was really bringing out all the insults.

"Who wants breakfast?" I yelled out.

"Me!" Screamed John Dory and clay at the same time.

I started making eggs, I mean it's all I really knew how to make. I watched as John Dory and clay ran to the table, branch walked away. it looked like he was heading for his room.

"You don't want breakfast branch?" I questioned, something was up.

"Nah, not hungry." Branch coughed.

Branch left the room and closed his door. I finished making food and set it on the table. It was eaten in seconds by my brothers. I looked to branch's room sad.

"Don't worry Floyd, he's just jealous your robe is cooler." Clay laughed.

"You literally called me gay before" I giggled.

Clay just shrugged and winked. My vision shifted to John Dory, he was in his underwear.

"Where's your pants man?" I groaned.

"Why does everyone care! Rhonda likes them." John Dory giggled.

"Rhonda likes everything!" Clay laughed.

I was so happy we were getting along. Wish branch was here.

12 hours later (night)

Branch's pov:

I've been in my room basically the whole day except this morning. I decided that i better do something now. I opened my door and left my room, I first stopped by Floyd's room. Empty? Then I went to clays room. Empty?  I heard a lot of noise coming from John dory's room so that's were I went next. I opened the door, there was the brozone song 'perfect' playing while clay, floyd and John Dory were in a circle drinking and chatting.

"What are you guys doing?" I groaned.

They all hid their drinks behind their backs like they were ashamed.

"Look branch your not supposed to see this uh...?" John Dory laughed

"I'm a adult? Did you forget?" I growled and put my hand on my hips.

I didn't care if they were drinking? Why were they treating me like a child.

"Yeah John Dory, stop protecting branch. Let him have a drink." Floyd coughed, a little drunk. Clearly.

"Is this really what your doing?" I rolled my eyes.

John Dory grabbed a bottle of whatever and handed it to me. I'm not too sure how I felt about the whole situation, I held the bottle in my hands, it smelt strong. Smelt awful even.

"What's this?" I questioned.

"Alcohol? Never had it?" John Dory questioned, he was very drunk.

"No poppy doesn't like this kind of stuff, she doesn't let me have it." I explained.

"We'll Poppy's not here right now, drink it" Clay pressured me.

I held the drink up to my face and took a sip. I felt the liquid burn downwards through my throat. It tasted horrible too, but I played it off to be cool.

"Good?" Clay asked.

"Great." I lied. It tasted like shit.

Clay patted a spot next to him motioning for me sit there. I sat next to clay in this circle. John Dory, clay and Floyd were laughing about some dumb things, I didn't know how they understood each other. All of them were slurring their words. I just sat there and finished my drink. Floyd was laughing so hard he literally passed out. I looked over my shoulder and John Dory and clay were both out too. I didn't get the whole joy of this drinking thing. I st0od up and felt a little whoozy. I stumbled around John dory's room, I felt drunk for real this time. I tripped over John Dory and fainted on him. It was lights out from there.

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