Over night care

543 15 22

Branch's pov:

"I- why are you here?!" I questioned

"I got upgraded from my position, looks like you haven't gotten better." Miss white snickered

"Yeah you didn't help at all." I growled

"I will." Miss white cackled

Miss white grabbed me by the wrists and pushed me back into the room. I felt so helpless, my wrists started to ache as her grip tighten around my hopeless arms.

"This place isn't going to be daycare. You need to feel awful about the things you've done." Miss white smiled

"It's like jail." I joked

"It's going to be exactly like jail." Miss white snickered

Miss white pushed me against the bed making me fall to my knees. I looked up at her hopelessly as I winced at the pain from the fall. Miss white exited the room and locked the door tightly. I ran out to the door banging my fists against it. The door was attached with a window so I had no privacy what so ever, along with 4 security cameras in the bed room. I stumbled back uselessly as I sat on my bed. It seemed that everyone could just toss me around like a toy, this place was teaching me nothing. I felt so stressed out, like I was trapped in a cage with nobody hearing me scream. I felt the only way to escape the pain was to relapse. Every time I relapsed I always regretted it, self harm was always a 'in the moment thing.' Once you started you could never stop. It was like the more lines You drew the more addicted I got to the feeling. The pain numbing my sadness. Again, it was only a temporary solution

I was so freaked out that I felt convinced to hurt myself, I searched around the room but nothing, the bed was nailed to the floor, all the edges on everything were smooth, even a plastic mirror. Everyone thing in this room was child proof! My body dropped on the floor as my eyes filled with tears, I couldn't take it. I felt isolated from everyone else, I was never going to heal in a place like this. I walked over to the very nice window I had in my room, the only connection to the outside world. It was bolted with locked so it wasn't possible to open. I pressed my face against the screen on the window and watched the wind blow the grass slowly. Nature was the only thing keeping my mind off pure insanity

It had been a few hours of boringly watching grass move. my head snapped back as I heard the door fling open. Miss white entered my room with a clip board and some pills.

"Do you ever knock?" I growled

"Ask me to knock again and I'll rip the door off so everyone can watch you. Zero privacy." Miss white yelled back.

"What do you want from me?!" I argued

Miss white looked at my floor, which was covered in my possessions. I had scattered most of my clothes across the ground out of pure boredom.

"This is feral behaviour." Miss white said as she picked up one of my shirts and throwing it towards me.

"It's barely dirty." I scoffed.

"You will fucken clean this place spotless. You're not aloud to be lazy ever! AND MAKE YOUR BED." Miss white yelled loudly.

The volume of her voice scared me off my breaks. I listened to her command as I cleaned my room quickly. Miss white stood in the doorway, watching in pleasure as I was completely at her mercy. It was humiliating. I made my bed and cleaned my room hoping for some type of praise but nothing. Miss white looked even more disappointed then before. She slipped her hand into her pocket pulling out the tube of pills. Miss white held the tablets towards me and a cup of water.

"Take these." Miss white instructed

"I'm not taking any pills. I don't need them." I growled

"You don't have a choice. Take your antidepressants or I'll force you." Miss white said instructively

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن